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词汇 装满
例句 There were a couple of bags full of old records, magazines, and what have you.那几个袋子装满了旧唱片、杂志之类的东西。Truckloads of loam were transported to the construction site.一辆辆装满亚黏土的卡车被运往这个建筑工地。A wallet full of greenbacks was found on the train.火车上发现有一个装满美钞的钱包。Fill the jug with boiling water.在罐里装满开水。Alexis filled the sink with soapy water.亚历克西斯将水槽装满肥皂水。He filled the car with his purchases.他把买的东西装满车子。She filled the pail with fresh water.她往桶里装满了清水。He has a closet full of new clothes.他的壁橱里面装满了新衣服。He gouged out a cob and loaded it with tabacco.他挖空一段玉米棒子,然后把它装满烟叶。We filled our pockets with apples.我们的口袋里装满了苹果。The van had been packed with explosives.箱式货车里装满了炸药。My job was filling the flour sacks.我的工作是把面粉袋装满He was careful to see that the jar did not overflow.他仔细地看着,防止罐子装满外溢。He loaded the van with the cardboard boxes.他用硬纸板盒子装满了货车。Mark filled the pan and set it on the stove.马克把平底锅装满后放到火炉上。He passed me a fat envelope full of money.他递给我一个厚厚的信封,里面装满了钱。Fill the bottom of the dish with broken biscuits.在盘底装满碎饼干。She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.她把容器装满,用软木塞封口并贴上标签。The glass was filled with green liquid and crushed ice.玻璃杯里装满了绿色液体和碎冰。You can order a birthday box full of balloons, banners and party favors.你可以订购一个装满气球、旗帜和聚会礼物的生日礼品盒。The crate was bursting with fruit.柳条箱里装满了水果。The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting.荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。The collection box was full of coins and paper money.募捐箱里装满了硬币和纸币。His pocket was bulging with apples.他的口袋里鼓鼓地装满了苹果。Several blue plastic boxes under the window were filled with record albums.窗下的几个蓝色塑料盒里装满了唱片。Fill a large pot with salted water and bring it to the boil.用一个大壶装满盐水并煮开。The fridge was bulging with food.冰箱里装满了食物。She was cycling along with her bicycle basket full of groceries.她骑着自行车,车筐里装满了食品杂货。She filled the jug up with cream.她把罐子里装满了奶油。They filled the sacks with potatoes.他们将袋子装满了土豆。The job sheets eventually filled a complete book.工作指导卡最终装满了整整一个册子。He has enough books to fill a library.他的藏书足以装满一个图书馆。I filled up the sandbox with some more sand.我再往沙箱内装了些沙子,把它装满了。They used her show to feather their own nest.他们利用她的表演来装满自己的腰包。The platter was spilling over with grapes and melon slices and cheeses.大盘子里装满了葡萄、甜瓜片和奶酪。The drawers in my desk are full of old papers — it's time I had a good turnout.我的书桌抽屉里装满了废旧文书,该是彻底清理一下的时候了。Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.容器一旦装满它会保持关闭,想要打开须按顺时针方向转动。The car was packed and we were ready to roll.装满了,我们准备出发。The bucket is almost full.桶几乎已经装满了。The boy stuffed his pockets with candy.男孩在口袋里装满了糖。




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