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词汇 被逮捕
例句 He was arrested for snapping photos of a military parade.他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被逮捕Phillips was arrested on drug charges.菲利普斯因贩毒的罪名被逮捕She was arrested for contempt of court.她因藐视法庭而被逮捕He was arrested for drunk driving.他因醉酒驾车被逮捕He was arrested and charged with extortion.被逮捕并被指控犯有勒索罪。She got/was busted for drug possession.她因私藏毒品被逮捕A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕Brooks was arrested for arson in North Carolina.布鲁克斯在北卡罗莱纳以纵火罪被逮捕She was arrested and charged with being a common prostitute.她因卖淫而被逮捕并受到指控。He has been arrested on racketeering charges.他因诈骗罪被逮捕She was arrested for trespassing on government property.她因擅闯政府物业而被逮捕He was arrested for disturbance of the peace. 他因扰乱治安被逮捕His reputation was in shreds after the arrest.被逮捕后他名誉扫地。The soldier was arrested for being off base after curfew.那个士兵因宵禁后闯入禁区而被逮捕She was arrested for soliciting.她因拉客卖淫被逮捕The thief was arrested and charged with breaking and entering.窃贼被逮捕,被指控非法侵入住宅。He was arrested for black-marketing foreign exchange.他因在黑市上买卖外汇而被逮捕They were arrested for disturbing the peace. 他们因扰乱治安被逮捕Soon he was back in the armed robbery business. Again, he got nabbed.很快他便重操旧业,干起了持械抢劫的勾当。结果他又被逮捕了。He was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.他因企图窜改公司财务记录而被逮捕I haven't been arrested, I haven't been charged with any offence.我没有被逮捕过,也没有因任何罪行而被起诉过。The gang that pulled the bank robbery were all arrested.抢劫银行的那伙歹徒都被逮捕了。They were arrested and charged with inciting a riot.他们被逮捕并被指控煽动暴乱。The ringleaders of the plot were arrested and punished.这一秘密计划的头目被逮捕并受到了惩罚。He was arrested for impersonation of a police officer.他因冒充警察而被逮捕He was arrested for tax/draft evasion.他因为逃税/逃兵役而被逮捕They were arrested for beating their children.他们因为殴打自己的孩子被逮捕The rebel faced capture and possible execution.这名反叛者将被逮捕且可能被判死刑。She was arrested for robbery.她因抢劫罪被逮捕He was arrested at Heathrow after flying from Brussels airport.他从布鲁塞尔机场飞抵希思罗机场后被逮捕A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded with logs.一些当地人因试图阻止满载原木的卡车通行而被逮捕He was arrested for public indecency. 他因在公众场所有下流行为而被逮捕Police said he was arrested without a struggle after a car chase through the streets of Biarritz.警方说,在比亚里茨的大街上进行了一场汽车追逐之后,他没有抵抗就被逮捕了。His worst fears were realized when he heard that Chris had been arrested.当他听说克里斯被逮捕了,他最害怕的事情终于发生了。They were both arrested on suspicion of murder.他们俩因为有凶杀嫌疑而被逮捕He was arrested on charges of armed robbery.他因持械抢劫罪被逮捕Two protesters were arrested during an encounter with police.在与警方的冲突中,两名示威者被逮捕The leaders of the rebel movement have been arrested.这次叛乱的领导者已被逮捕He was arrested and charged with possession of an offensive weapon.他因持有进攻性武器而被逮捕并遭到起诉。They were arrested after doing a runner from an expensive restaurant.从一家昂贵的餐馆逃单之后不久,他们就被逮捕了。




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