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词汇 cunning
例句 In the story, the cunning fox outwits the hunters.在这个故事里,狡猾的狐狸智胜了猎人。Shipman's ability to go undetected could be attributed to his cunning and plausibility.希普曼能不被识破可能是由于他生性狡猾、道貌岸然。They achieved their aim by stealth and cunning.他们靠偷奸耍滑,实现了目标。What a cunning kitten!这只小猫多么逗人喜爱! His leadership style was to maintain power through a combination of force and cunning strategy.他的领导风格是结合势力与诡诈的策略以维持权力。By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.他策划了一个狡猾的计谋,成了这有钱寡妇的继承人。She managed him with great cunning.她十分狡猾地控制着他。She displayed remarkable cunning in persuading us all of her innocence.她在说服我们大家相信她的无辜时表现得极为狡猾。He has the cunning of the secret drinker who hides bottles.他是一个诡诈的酒徒,偷偷喝酒然后有把酒瓶藏起来的本领。These disturbed kids can be cunning.这些心理不正常的孩子可能会很狡猾。Years in the jungle have given him feral cunning.多年的丛林生活使他具有野兽般的灵巧特性。On their second raid they were more cunning.第二次发动袭击时他们更为聪明。With cunning hand the sculptor shaped the little statue.雕刻师以灵巧的手艺刻成了这个小巧的雕像。She relied on her native cunning to survive.她依赖天生的机灵活了下来。He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.他充分发挥想象力、技巧和聪明才智完成了这项工作。The fox is believed to have a great deal of cunning.人们相信狐狸十分狡猾。She was cunning enough to beguile her classmates into doing the work for her.她很滑头,哄骗自己的同学替她干活。His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate.我从未对他的狡猾和奸诈掉以轻心。Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.恩里科很有心计,是一只狡猾的老狐狸。She was cunning enough to fool me.她很狡猾,足以糊弄我。He may be a fraud, but you have to admire his cunning.他或许是个骗子,但你不得不佩服他的狡黠。He's a cunning/sly/wily old fox.他是一个狡猾/阴险/诡计多端的老狐狸。He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning.他不得不与一个冷静、聪明而又狡猾的对手斗智。To be free in New York, however, requires street smarts, the cunning of the survivor.然而,想要在纽约活得自在就得有适应城市环境的巧妙生活能力,也就是说,需要有死里逃生者那样的机警性。The fox uses stealth and cunning to hunt its prey.狐狸不声不响,狡猾地猎取猎物。She had great cunning and ruthlessness.她非常狡猾冷酷。Craft and cunning were necessary for the scheme to work.实施这个阴谋需要诡计和狡猾。It takes cunning workmen to make such elaborate furniture.能工巧匠才能制作如此精致的家具。I was merely a pawn in his cunning stratagem.我只不过是他那狡猾计谋中的一件工具。Intelligence and cunning emanated from him.他透着一种智慧和狡黠。He had used cunning to get what he wanted.他用了狡诈的手段来得到他想要的东西。They use all kinds of cunning tricks to make people give them money.他们用各种鬼把戏骗人们给他们钱。She's a cunning little devil! She left for school as usual, and then went into town instead with her friends.她是个狡诈的小鬼!她又像平时一样去上学,然后却和一帮朋友去镇上。This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这个残害生命的杀人团伙以疯狂而狡猾的尼诺·布朗为首。




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