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He was mugged in the city centre.他在市中心被抢劫了。I've been robbed.我被抢劫了。The actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.这名演员遭遇了现实生活中的一个戏剧性事件 - 他昨晚在枪口威胁下被抢劫。People were frightened of being mugged.人们担心被抢劫。He has been mugged more than once.他已是不止一次被抢劫了。Residents in the villages under attack have been unable to protect their homes from plunder.受到袭击的村民已无法保护自己的家不被抢劫。A lot of people won't go out alone at night because they're afraid of being mugged.许多人因害怕被抢劫,晚上不愿单独出门。 |