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词汇 会众
例句 The priest blessed the congregation.牧师求神赐福于会众Rev. Dawson addressed the congregation from the pulpit.道森牧师在讲坛上向会众讲话。Offerings from the congregation are small in hard times.在困难的年代,会众的捐献很有限。The preacher blessed the congregation after his sermon.牧师在讲道后祝福会众Bells tolled the congregation to church.钟声召唤着会众去教堂。He dismissed the congregation with a benediction.他在祝祷中解散了会众The Church will welcome him back into the fold.教会将欢迎他重返会众之中。The Pope led the congregation through the mass.教皇率领全体会众做弥撒。The church has doubled its membership in the last five years.这座教堂的会众在过去的五年里增加了一倍。The congregation has been looking for alternative premises for some time.一段时间以来,会众一直在寻找替代场所。The congregation rose as the bride entered the cathedral.新娘步入教堂,会众全体起立。A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.少数会众聚在一起,等待子夜弥撒。The minister preached to the congregation about/on the need for tolerance.牧师向会众布道,宣讲宽容的必要性。The minister led the congregation in a hymn.牧师带领会众唱圣歌。The congregation seemed to know all the hymns by heart.会众似乎对每一首圣歌都很熟悉。The church depends on the financial support of its congregants.教会依赖会众的财政资助。The congregation was spiritually regenerated by the preaching of the evangelist.会众听了福音传道者的这次布道在精神上获得了新生。The priest addressed the congregation.神父向会众致辞。She is a member of a small congregation.她是一个小型礼拜会的会众I am trying to help sinners and bring lost souls back to the fold.我正尽力帮助那些有罪之人并让灵魂迷失者重返会众之中。Many members of the church sang from memory.教堂里的许多会众都在凭记忆唱歌。The congregation kneeled in prayer.会众跪着祈祷。Several members of the congregation are away.会众中有几个没有在场。




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