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词汇 芭蕾舞
例句 The set for the ballet is minimalist - white walls and a chair.这场芭蕾舞的布景极为简约——白墙和一把椅子。The dance company has called on ballet-lovers everywhere for financial support.该舞蹈团已经呼吁各地芭蕾舞爱好者给予他们财政上的支持。Fokine did not change the steps of classical ballet; instead he found new ways of using them.福金没有改变传统芭蕾舞的舞步,而是另辟蹊径对这些舞步加以运用。The choreographers had to create a whole new ballet.编舞者不得不编一套全新的芭蕾舞Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.我们打着教育的旗号,驱赶孩子在芭蕾舞和篮球之间来回奔波。We enjoy going to the ballet. 我们喜欢去看芭蕾舞Ballet is the ultimate in human movement.芭蕾舞在人类的动作中可谓优雅至极。His dream had been to study ballet.他曾有过学芭蕾舞的梦想。The prima ballerina danced forward on her pointes.首席芭蕾舞女演员踩着足尖舞步向前舞动。I trained as a ballet dancer.我受过芭蕾舞训练。He's taking ballet lessons.他在学跳芭蕾舞She does tap dancing and ballet.她跳踢踏舞和芭蕾舞The ballerina remained suspended in a faultless arabesque.这位芭蕾舞女演员一直保持着完美的阿拉贝斯克舞姿不动。Oh, we had all the requisite subscriptions: symphony, ballet, opera.哦,要预订的都已经预订:交响乐、芭蕾舞、歌剧。I took tap classes as well as ballet.我除了学芭蕾舞以外,还学踢踏舞。Do you want to watch some TV before bed?芭蕾舞短裙睡前想看会儿电视吗?The ballerina did a split. = The ballerina did the splits.那个芭蕾舞女演员做了一个劈叉。Her performance in the ballet earned her thunderous applause and shouts of acclamation from the audience.她的芭蕾舞表演赢得了观众雷鸣般的掌声和阵阵喝彩。My niece has practiced ballet for six years.我姪女已练了六年芭蕾舞了。Her performance in the ballet earned her critical acclaim.她的芭蕾舞表演赢得了评论界的赞誉。A young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance.一位年轻姑娘跳了一段芭蕾舞博得全场喝彩。The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences.芭蕾舞观众认为埃里克·霍金斯的舞蹈设计非常前卫。The accident shut the door on her ballet career.那次事故使她的芭蕾舞生涯终结了。She was hired to choreograph the ballet routines.她被聘为芭蕾舞的编舞。The ballet's opening night was a huge success.这场芭蕾舞的首演之夜获得了巨大的成功。The popularity of ballet rapidly waned.芭蕾舞很快变得不那么盛行了。My daughter takes ballet and tap.我女儿在学跳芭蕾舞和踢踏舞。Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris.德加画了一系列巴黎的芭蕾舞学校舞蹈者的素描。Once upon a time, ballet was very removed from the lives of most people.从前,芭蕾舞和大多数人的生活无缘。The younger generation shows that the future of English ballet is in safekeeping.年青的一代显示出英国芭蕾舞后继有人。He's studying classical ballet.他正在学习古典芭蕾舞Margot lived for ballet and was completely dedicated.玛戈为了芭蕾舞而活,完全投入其中去了。We took in more theatres, an opera, a couple of ballets.我们还看了更多的戏,一场歌剧,还有两三场芭蕾舞She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School.她还为一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院的纪录片作过解说。Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.芭蕾舞基本上是中产阶级感兴趣的东西。This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.本该是出精彩的芭蕾舞,却被演绎得了无生趣。He had partnered the famous Russian ballerina.他已经和那位著名的俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员做了搭档。Carol lost interest in ballet in her teens.卡萝尔在十几岁的时候对芭蕾舞失去了兴趣。She studied choreography at the Royal School of Ballet.她曾在皇家芭蕾舞学校学编舞。She is also keen on the ballet.她也热衷于芭蕾舞




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