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词汇 endemic
例句 The disease is endemic in parts of northern Europe.这种疾病在北欧部分地区流行。A distrust of strangers is endemic in/to this community.这个社区普遍对陌生人不信任。In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。Polio was then endemic among children my age.那时小儿麻痹症在和我同龄的孩子中很常见。Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.暴力犯罪现在成了芝加哥一些地区无法根除的问题。He believed that racism was endemic within the police service.他认为警察部门普遍存在种族主义。Sentimentality is endemic to that style of writing.感伤情调在那种风格的写作中很常见。The avian flu is now quite endemic in the Southern part of Taiwan.禽流感目前在台湾南部甚为流行。Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。This is a problem endemic to the Western world.这是西方世界普遍存在的一个问题。Delay is endemic to the criminal justice system.拖延在刑事司法体系里普遍存在。A wide variety of animal and plant species are endemic to this area.很多种类的动植物是这一地区特有的物种。




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