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例句 In these circumstances immigration is open-ended.在这种情况下,移民是无限制的。The affair ended after it was made public by the newspapers.他们的暧昧关系被报纸公开后就结束了。The boxers returned to their corners when the round ended.此轮结束时,拳击手回到了各自的场角。Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy.把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。He began his days in a village and ended his days in a big city.他出生在一个村庄,死在一座大城市。We are not willing to enter into open-ended discussions.我们不想无休止地讨论下去。To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director.总而言之,我最后成了一名常务董事。The attempt finally ended in failure.这次尝试最终以失败告终。Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms.美蓓亚集团最后将其在两家公司的控股权都出售了。He ended his e-mail with a smiley face.他在电子邮件的结尾加了一个笑脸符号。The talks will have an open-ended agenda.会谈的议程不受限制。They ended up tussling with security staff.他们最终和保安厮打了起来。The case resulted/ended in an acquittal of the defendant.此案最终宣判被告无罪。Many goods remained on the ration for several years after the war ended.战争结束几年了,许多商品依旧实施定量供应。The priest ended the service by saying a short prayer.牧师作了个短短的祷告结束了礼拜。Hostilities ended when the treaty was signed.条约签订后战争结束了。Jean ended up in casualty last night.结果昨天晚上琼被送进了急诊室。He ended his life a happy man.他快乐地度过了人生的最后阶段。It took her months to get over Michael when he ended the relationship.迈克尔和她分手了,过了好几个月她才开始忘掉他。They didn't have enough players, so they ended up having to forfeit.他们没有足够的选手,因此最后只得放弃。The demonstration ended in chaos.游行示威最后变成了一场混乱。When the card game ended, the players cashed in their chips and left.牌局结束后,打牌的人交进筹码兑换成现金而离去。Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind.保罗说这活儿他会做,还主动说要做给汤姆看,但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。A double play ended the inning and the Red Sox were up.双杀结束了那一局,红袜队晋级。He cooked up some crazy scheme for making money, and ended up being arrested.他想出个疯狂的赚钱计划,结果落入法网被捕。The tumbler ended the stunt in a stand.杂技演员翻了一连串筋斗,最后一下子站住。She ended her recital with an old French song.她唱了一首法文老歌,以此结束独唱会。We ended up staying for lunch.最后我们留下吃了午饭。The peace talks have ended inconclusively.和平谈判不了了之。Outbursts of violence continued spasmodically after the war ended.战争结束后暴力冲突仍时断时续地爆发。As the show ended, Chris high-fived his friends.演出结束时,克里斯和朋友们举手击掌相庆。Our conversations ended with him saying he would try to be more understanding.我们的谈话结束时,他说他会争取去多体谅别人。He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal.他最后成了替补队员,但仍有资格获得团体金牌。The battle ended in a humiliating defeat.这场战役以耻辱的失败告终。Just as the show ended, he heard a huge hue and cry outside.演出刚结束,他就听到外面愤怒的高声抗议。The first trial ended in a hung jury, the second in acquittal.第一次审判因为陪审团意见不一致而未能作出裁定,第二次审判以宣判无罪告终。His attempts to arrange a party ended up as a comedy of errors.他尝试安排聚会,结果闹了笑话。The Treaty of Versailles ended the First World War.《凡尔赛条约》结束了第一次世界大战。Our fondest dreams ended in discomfiture.我们的美梦以破灭告终。I ended up having an argument with her.我最终和她吵了一架。




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