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词汇 舒服
例句 The old cot is an easy bed to lie on.那张旧帆布床睡上去很舒服New shoes get more comfortable with wear.新鞋越穿越舒服The patient was easier after the sedative.病人服了镇痛剂后舒服一些了。She soaped herself beneath the refreshing jets of water.她在舒服的喷射水流下面擦肥皂。It was freezing outside but we were soon sitting snugly by the fire.外面冷得要命,可是我们很快就舒服地坐在炉火旁取暖了。It's nice to sit down and take it easy after a hard day's work.一天辛苦下来,能坐下休息休息可真舒服When I do a good workout, I feel fine.进行适当的锻炼后我感到很舒服The hotel at which we stayed was both cheap and comfortable.我们住的那家旅馆既便宜又舒服I always feel better after a good workout.在好好运动过之后,我总是感到很舒服The soft brushed cotton feels like heaven on the skin.这种柔软的拉毛棉布上身非常舒服I don't know what's wrong. I just don't feel quite myself.我不知道怎么回事,就是觉得身体不是很舒服The computer keyboard is positioned at a slant so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists.电脑键盘斜置是为了打字时手腕更舒服The building gives off good/bad vibrations. 这座建筑让人感觉很舒服/不舒服A sleep will do you the world of good.睡一觉你就会感觉舒服多了。He felt it was a blessed spot to me.他认为这地方使我感到舒服Neil was a gentle good-natured chap, the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around.尼尔是个性格温和的小伙子,是那种你看一眼就会信任、就会觉得很舒服的人。I hear you've been a bit under the weather. Are you feeling better now?听说你不太舒服。现在好点了吗?Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown.伍德正舒服地穿着件羊毛晨衣。I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn't want to get up.床上又舒服又暖和,我一点都不想起来。Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts.路易丝回去工作了,感觉不大舒服Are you comfortable enough in that chair?你坐在那把椅子上够舒服吗?I don't feel quite right. 我觉得不大舒服The restaurant has a comfortable atmosphere.这家餐馆的氛围令人很舒服The bed seemed to him comfort personified.他觉得这张床舒服得不能再舒服了。After a couple of bourbons I had a nice glow.几杯波旁威士忌下肚,我浑身热辣辣地舒服There's nothing better after a hard day's work than to luxuriate in a hot bath.劳累了一天之后什么都不如洗个热水澡舒服The friendly glow of the fire was welcome after our hike through the snowy mountains.徒步穿过雪山之后,令人愉快的火光让我们感到舒服I don't feel well.我感觉不太舒服Let me put a cushion behind your back. How's that?让我给你背后加一个垫子。舒服吗?You'll feel better once you've got some hot soup down you.喝点热汤你就会感觉舒服一些。Why don't you go home early if you're not feeling yourself?你要是不太舒服的话,为什么不早些回家呢?The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk.他坐的那把椅子远不如他书桌后面那把定做的舒服Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.穿上宽松的衣服和舒服的鞋子。Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.她的头舒服地靠在他胸前。She is comfortably cocooned in pillows.舒服地窝在枕头堆里。Can you wait for a moment while I change into something more comfortable?我换件更舒服的衣服,你等一会儿好吗?For sheer luxury you can't beat a nice hot bath. = For sheer luxury, nothing beats a nice hot bath. = For sheer luxury, a nice hot bath beats anything.要想彻底地舒服一下,泡个热水澡比什么都强。The ambulance decanted me into a comfortable hospital bed.救护车把我送上舒服的医院病床。Her sensible shoes are a concession to comfort. 她穿那双实用舒适的鞋子就是图个舒服Terry was more comfortable with his own kind.特里和同类的人呆在一起时感觉较为舒服




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