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词汇 traffic
例句 There was quite a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier.今天的交通够拥挤的,不过昨天更繁忙。Cyclists and motorists must both obey the same traffic rules.骑车人和开车人都必须遵守同样的交通法规。The clamour of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去,模糊了起来。I go to work early to beat the traffic jams.我很早去上班,免得交通拥挤。The silence was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic.远处传来的车辆的隆隆声不时划破寂静。It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic.新公路只会引来更多的车辆,这已是很明显的了。The bus drivers' strike stopped all traffic.公车司机罢工使一切交通停顿。We're stuck in a traffic jam, but I'll keep you posted.我们被堵在路上了,有最新情况我会及时联系你。London's traffic was even worse than normal during the Tube strike.在地铁罢工期间,伦敦的交通状况甚至比平常更糟糕。A major accident held traffic up for hours.一场重大交通事故使道路堵塞了几个小时。The traffic light turned red, so she had to stop.交通灯变为红灯了,她不得不停下来。The road has become a rat run for traffic avoiding the town centre.这条路已经成了车辆避开市中心走的捷径。The state Transportation Commission had ordered a study of alternative solutions to the problem of heavy traffic in the Seattle area.州运输委员会下令研究解决西雅图地区交通拥挤问题的其他方法。Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.车流移动得越来越慢,最后完全不动了。Sometimes the traffic kept her awake at night.有时晚上她被来往的车辆吵得睡不着觉。A policeman was injured while directing traffic.一位警察在指挥交通时受伤。It was time to brave the rush hour traffic again.又是该勇敢地面对上下班拥挤交通的时候了。All through traffic has been diverted.所有的直行车辆都需要绕道行驶。The traffic accident sent him into a state of shock.那次交通事故使他处于休克状态。The traffic was terrible.交通状况糟糕。The cars idled in traffic.汽车在塞车时空转。The clamor of traffic has receded to a distant murmur.车辆的喧闹声已渐渐远去,变得模糊起来。The rush-hour traffic clogged the roads.交通高峰时期的车流使道路受阻。Look out for traffic coming from the right.当心从右面来的车。He waited for ages for a break in the traffic.他在车流中等了很久才等到一个空当。Some traffic lights are placebos, designed to make pedestrians feel as if they're influencing the lights.有些交通信号灯具有安抚作用,目的是使行人感觉自己能对信号灯产生影响。There was a queue of traffic waiting to get onto the motorway.车辆排着队等待上高速公路。They're doing construction on the road, so traffic is crawling.他们正在修路,因此车辆行驶缓慢。Oxford city centre is closed to all traffic bar buses and taxis.除了公共汽车和出租车外,牛津市中心不允许任何车辆进入。She pulled away from the curb and into traffic.她开车离开路缘上了行车道。A crash on the eastbound side of the freeway is blocking traffic.高速公路朝东一侧发生的车祸正阻碍着交通。Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.协调地面的航空交通与管理空中交通一样复杂。The city was embroiled in traffic bottlenecks.这个城市由于交通堵塞而陷于混乱状态。We closed the windows to block out the traffic noise.我们关上窗户阻挡外面的车辆噪声。The road will be opened for light traffic.这条道路将向轻型车辆开放。The new traffic system is causing problems for everyone.新交通系统给所有人带来了麻烦。Going over the speed limit is contrary to traffic laws. 超速行驶违反交通法规。There is a real danger that the bridge will collapse from the weight of traffic.那座桥确实有承受不住来往车辆的重压而垮塌的危险。The cars then weaved in and out of traffic at top speed.这些轿车就在车流中全速穿行。




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