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词汇 自以为是
例句 Quit being such a wiseacre and help your mother.别总自以为是了,帮一下你母亲吧。In Ireland, if you're too big for your boots, you'll be cut down to size.在爱尔兰,如果你太自以为是,会有人来教训你的。You're such a wiseass.你这个自以为是的家伙。He thinks he's God's gift to the world. 自以为是个了不起的人物。That boy's getting too big for his boots.那个男孩越来越自以为是It's OK to criticize, but don't be/get self-righteous about it.批评本身没有错,但不能对此自以为是He's been holding his nose in the air since he won the prize.他自从得奖以后就自以为是目中无人了。I was a thorough little academic snob.我那时是个目空一切、自以为是的小学术愤青。He fancies himself as a poet.自以为是诗人。The Government was dominated by self-important eggheads.政府被一群自以为是的书呆子控制着。He considers himself a great singer, but he's really a pygmy when compared with real musicians.自以为是个大歌唱家,但与真正的音乐家比起来实在是太渺小了。I think he's getting too big for his boots.我觉得他太自以为是了。Don't be such a smart-aleck.不要如此自以为是He thinks he has/knows all the answers. 自以为是个万事通。He's full of himself, sharp and aggressive and sometimes he comes over badly.他是个自以为是的家伙,说话尖酸又爱挑衅,有时会给人留下极差的印象。Don't worry about the critics. They're not important - they just think they are.不要去管那些评论家,这些人没什么了不起,他们就是自以为是My first impression was that he was a bit full of himself.我的第一印象是他有点自以为是He's so self-righteous - like he's never done anything wrong in his life.他非常自以为是——就像是一生都没做过错事似的。I think the boss is growing too big for his britches.我觉得老板渐渐变得自以为是起来。That man has such an enormous ego - I've never known anyone so full of themselves!那个人自负得要命——我从来没有见过这么自以为是的人。He explained in a pontificating manner.自以为是地作了解释。Because he has written a book, he considers himself a real doubledome.他因为写了一部书,就自以为是很有学问的人了。Don't be such a smarty.别那么自以为是He's very forward and confident and chats happily to other people.他很自以为是,喜欢和别人攀谈。He entertained his readers by lampooning the pretensions of the rich.他以冷嘲热讽自以为是的有钱人来愉悦读者。Her staff find her bossy and dogmatic.她的员工认为她爱指挥别人而且自以为是This view seems alarmingly complacent.这种观点看起来太自以为是了,令人吃惊。Politicians are always pontificating about education.政客们总是自以为是地对教育问题大发议论。My brother-in-law is an obnoxious know-it-all.我的姊夫是个讨人厌的自以为是万事通的家伙。His wiseass comments got him thrown out of class.自以为是的评论遭到全班的反感。He gave a wonky speech about climate change.他对气候变迁发表了一番自以为是的看法。Boys his age are a law unto themselves.他这个年龄的男孩都自以为是You flatter yourself. Why would we go to such ludicrous lengths?你真自以为是。我们为什么要费那么大的力气?Only stuck-up puffs wore school uniform.只有自以为是的男同性恋才会穿校服。You sound rather priggish and not yet ready for forgiveness.你听起来十分自以为是,还未准备好作出原谅。He's a nice kid but sometimes he can be a real smart-aleck.他是个讨人喜欢的孩子,但有时他会非常自以为是He thought he was Shakespeare reincarnated.自以为是莎士比亚再生。Nobody likes a smart arse.没有人会喜欢一个自以为是的人。It's time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong.现在该是你别再自以为是,承认自己错误的时候了。I felt like a prig for raising the question.我因为提出这个问题而觉得自己有些自以为是




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