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例句 She came from a stable, comfortable, middle-class family.出身于一个收入稳定、生活宽裕的中产阶级家庭。Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.出身于特权阶层的学生在大学里具有优势。We are both from working-class stock.我们俩都出身于工人阶级。He was proud of his proletarian origins.他以自己出身于无产阶级而骄傲。He came from a very privileged background.出身于特权家庭。He descended from an ancient stem.出身于一个古老的家系。He came from a genteel family.出身于有教养的家庭。She comes from a perfectly regular middle-class family.出身于一个极其普通的中产阶级家庭。I come from a working-class family - I'm the first one to graduate from college.出身于工人阶级家庭—我是第一个大学毕业生。The girls in the school all come from very respectable families.这所学校的女生都出身于非常体面的家庭。He came from a white middle-class background.出身于白人中产阶级家庭。Most senior politicians in the UK are from upper-class families.英国的大多数资深政治家都出身于上流社会家庭。Christian came from a long line of English country gentlemen.克里斯琴出身于历史悠久的英国乡绅家庭。She spent her childhood as the pampered daughter of a wealthy family.出身于一个富裕家庭,从小娇生惯养。I came from a musical family.出身于音乐世家。Zora comes from an old family.卓拉出身于一个古老的家族。He came from a stable family background.出身于一个稳定的家庭。We are both from working class stock.我们俩都出身于工人家庭。Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood, she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.出身于过去好莱坞的名门,继承了当演员的家族传统。She comes from a very respectable family.出身于一个非常体面的家庭。She comes of a very good family.出身于一个很好的家庭。Girls from deprived backgrounds often become pregnant at an early age.出身于贫困家庭的女孩往往很早就怀孕了。Although she came from a family of bankers, Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research.尽管出身于银行家家庭,富兰克林还是决心从事科研事业。He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.出身于一个非常正派的中产阶级家庭。His wife comes from a pretty rich family.他妻子出身于一个相当富裕的家庭。His mother, whose influence on his development was outstanding, came of a distinguished American family.对他的成长影响深远的母亲出身于一个地位显赫的美国家庭。He comes from a branch of our family that settled in Korea.出身于我们这个家族移居朝鲜的一个旁支。Jack came from a family of nonentities.杰克出身于寻常人家。Pironi was the son of privilege and wealth.皮罗尼出身于有钱有势的豪门。He comes of a tough peasant strain.出身于一个吃苦耐劳的农民世家。Most of the people here come from very poor families.这儿的大多数人出身于非常贫困的家庭。She was born into a genteel family.出身于贵族家庭。Born a poor boy in Kansas, he lived the American dream as a successful inventor.一个出身于堪萨斯州的穷小子,他实现了美国梦,成了一名成功的发明家。She came from a good, honest, working-class background.出身于一个良好正派的工人阶级家庭。He comes from a long line of entertainers. 出身于一个演艺世家。Some are born in slavery, others born merely poor.一些人出身于奴隶,另一些人只是出身于贫苦家庭。Sushma came from a lower caste.苏什马出身于低等种姓。He was from a higher caste.出身于较高的社会阶层。He comes from a good family.出身于名门望族。He hails from an affluent background.出身于一个富有的家庭。




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