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例句 In the acknowledgements the authors thanked everyone who'd contributed to the book.作者在鸣谢辞中感谢了每一位为此书出过力的人。She had never strayed beyond the city boundaries.她从未出过这个城市。Most of us get over the pratfalls of childhood.我们大多数人都不在意孩提时都出过的洋相。My father may have had a hand in getting me the job.我得到这份工作,我父亲也许出过力。Nothing has ever gone amiss since he took charge of the school.自他主管这所学校以来,还从未出过问题。She comes from an illustrious political family that includes two former Cabinet ministers.她出身政治世家,家中曾出过两位内阁大臣。She didn't leave the house all weekend, except to go to church. 除了去教堂,她整个周末都没有出过门。Some of the resource people working with the assembly might end up having a lot of sway.为集会出过力的一些手握资源的人最后可能会成为有头有脸的人物。I'm the only person I know who's never been abroad or even on a plane.在我认识的人当中,只有我没有出过国,甚至连飞机都没坐过。All our children have had the measles.我们所有的孩子都出过麻疹。There have been a lot of scandals in local politics over the years, but this is one for the books.多年来,当地政界出过许多丑闻,但这次却是非比寻常,值得大书特书。According to tradition, a tree grew on this spot.根据传说,这儿长出过一棵树。He had a large share in bringing it about, but no share of the credit.他在促成这事中出过一份大力,但荣誉却没他的份。We have had a lot of trouble with the car this year.今年我们的车出过很多问题。The country has never dispatched military personnel abroad.该国从未向海外派出过军事人员。She never got out of the house last weekend.她上周末没出过家门。This car has never been in a wreck.这辆车从来没有出过车祸。The equivalent of the accident was never repeated on the road.这条路上再也没有出过这样的事故。




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