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词汇 职场
例句 He has antediluvian notions/ideas about the role of women in the workplace.他对职场女性的角色有着陈旧的观念/想法。There remain major inequalities of opportunity in the workplace.职场上仍存在严重的机会不均等现象。She kept herself usefully employed.她保持自身在职场有用武之地。The world of work doesn't operate that way.职场上可不是那样的。Not all companies have embraced the concept of diversity in the workplace.不是所有公司都已接受职场多元化的观念。Working mothers are no longer a rarity.职场妈妈不再罕见。This plan offers real help to working mothers.这个计划为职场母亲们提供了实质性的帮助。There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.女性想进入职场的高层有着无形的障碍。We need effective strategies to combat sexual harassment in the workplace.我们需要采取有效策略对抗职场性骚扰。The course helps school-leavers broaden their knowledge of the world of work.这门课程帮助毕业生对职场增加了解。Workplace bullies pick on weak and vulnerable colleagues.职场中的恃强凌弱者总欺负那些软弱的同事。Does racial discrimination still exist in the workplace?职场上还存在种族歧视吗?No one's irreplaceable in the workplace.职场上没有人是无法替代的。The survey revealed that, for the first time, there are more women in the workplace than men.这次调查揭示,职场里女性首次多于男性。He made a lot of enemies during the course of his career.他在职场中树敌很多。She plans to return to work in four months.她打算四个月后重返职场Women are returning to the labour market after time out to raise young families.女性照顾完孩子,正重返职场Such behavior denigrates the value of honesty in the workplace.这种行为便诚信在职场的重要性大打折扣。The study suggests a strong link between workplace culture and a business's financial performance.该项研究说明职场文化与公司的财务业绩密切相关。She made the difficult leap from college to the workplace.她经历了从大学到职场的艰难转变。




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