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词汇 sit in
例句 He felt he had no right to sit in judgement on someone he had only just met.他觉得自己无权去评价仅有一面之交的人。The parliament building sits in a large square.议会大厦位于一个大广场上。When they are in plenary session, members of the European Parliament sit in political groups, not according to nationality.欧洲议会的议员们在参加全体会议时按照政治团体而非国籍分别就座。It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass.坐在路边咖啡馆看着人来人往真是惬意。Work, my ass! You just sit in front of the TV all day.工作?屁话!你整天都在看电视。The president's wife doesn't muck around with policy or sit in on Cabinet meetings.总统夫人既没有乱干预政策,也没有列席内阁会议。We got to sit in the press box since my dad would be writing about the game.因为我爸爸要写比赛的情况,我们得坐在记者席上。The women sit in the corner and men eye them up.那些女人坐在角落里,男人们的目光在她们身上打转。I'd sit in meetings, fretting about what was happening at home.我列席会议,心里却在为家里的事发愁。He was the first journalist to sit in parliament.他是第一位担任议员的新闻记者。She would just sit in her room dreaming away the hours.她常常会在自己房间里坐着遐想几个小时。Our school has a good site in town.我们学校位于镇上一个好地点。Gozo has some of the best dive sites in the Mediterranean.戈佐岛上有几个地中海一带最好的潜水场。The car was so small that the tall man had to sit in a crouch.这辆轿车很小,那个高个儿坐着得弯腰蜷缩。Laura always sits in the front row at the movies.劳拉看电影的时候总是坐在前排。The students sit in a circle on the floor.学生们围成一圈坐在地板上。All he does is sit in front of the television all day.他就整天坐在电视机前看电视。An American inspection team had looked over sites in January.一个美国检查小组在一月份察看了几处地方。Do you want to sit in the nonsmoking section?您想坐在非吸烟区吗?The farm sits in the shadow of Ben Nevis.农场在本·尼维斯山附近。Let's sit in the shade under the tree.让我们坐在树下阴凉处。Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings.有几名外国记者获准旁听审理。The pituitary gland sits in a bony fossa called the sellar turcica.脑下垂体位于被称为蝶鞍的骨窝处。Doesn't it piss you off the way your husband sits in front of the TV every night while you cook dinner?这样你不气恼吗,每天晚上都是你丈夫坐着看电视,你来做晚饭?She likes to sit in the front row. = She likes front-row seats.她喜欢坐在前排。We want you to sit in on the meeting.我们希望你列席会议。I asked my students to sit in a semicircle to listen to the story.我让我的学生们围成半圆坐着听故事。What right do you have to sit in judgment over me?你有什么权利指责我?I don't know why he thinks he can sit in judgment over us like that.我不知道他凭什么认为自己可以那样对我们指手画脚。He sits in the same chair every night.他每天晚上都坐在同一把椅子上。Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.鉴于该地区很受人们青睐,最好提前预订旅馆或宿营地。I shall sit in for you while you go to the shops.你去买东西的时候,我将代你照料一下。A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.一支新的丹麦探险队又在那个遗址上进行一年一度的夏季挖掘。Grandpa likes to sit in the comfy chair beside the fire.爷爷喜欢靠着火炉,坐在舒适的椅子里。She loved to sit in the park and feed the ducks.她喜欢坐在公园里喂喂鸭子。I don't care how annoyed she is - she's got no absolutely no right to sit in judgement.我不管她有多生气,她根本没有权利作出批评。He's a lazy slob who sits in front of the TV all day.他是条懒虫,成天呆在电视机前。I get sick if I sit in the back seat.如果坐在后座,我会晕。Before the war any player could walk into a club and sit in with the band.战前,随便哪个演奏者都能到夜总会客串参加演出。I like to sit in bed and read the Sunday papers.我喜欢坐在床上看星期日的报纸。




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