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This site has little to recommend it.这个地方乏善可陈。We need a negotiation between the townspeople and mayor over the site of the new library.新图书馆的选址需要市长和市民之间的协商。A sticky site lets the visitor bounce around for long periods of time.吸引人的网站会使得访客在上面浏览很长一段时间。He is credited with the finding of the site of the temple.该庙宇遗址的发现归功于他。The site was preserved as a monument for future generations.这个地方被保存下来,供后人凭吊纪念。I have bookmarked your site for future reading.我已经收藏你的网站,便于进一步查阅。The site of the explosion has now been levelled out and is going to be made into a memorial garden.爆炸地点现已被夷平,准备建成一个纪念公园。The site maintains a listing of free events for children in the area.这个网站上有一份为当地孩子准备的免费活动的清单。Health and safety officers will investigate the site and prepare a report.健康和安全官员将调查现场并拟定一份报告。The Web site aggregates content from many other sites.这个网站聚集了许多其他网站的内容。The museum displays relics found during the excavation of the site.博物馆里陈列着在这一遗址发掘的文物。They left the site unfit for human occupation.他们使得人们无法在这个地方居住。The Web site is full of testimonials from satisfied customers.这个网站上满是称心顾客所写的推荐信。Following an on-site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property.现场勘察之后,测量员出具了该地产的书面报告。Excavation of the site produced enormous quantities of pottery.在该遗址发掘出大量陶器。The site is under the protection of UNESCO.该遗址受联合国教科文组织的保护。Keep this site as a bookmark.把这个网站地址加入书签。His Web site includes links to other sites.他的网站有与其他网站的链接。Hard hats must be worn on site.在工地上必须戴安全帽。Government officials came to take soil samples from the factory site.政府官员来取工厂厂址的土壤样本。They are planning to build on the site.他们正计划在此建房。The police zeroed in on the site of the crime.各路警察在犯罪现场会合。The town has purchased a site on Villa Avenue for the new library.镇政府在别墅大道买下一块地建图书馆。There are several subcontractors working at the new building site.有几家分包商在新的建筑工地上干活。Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.休斯敦被选作会址。It arrives as a flat pack and is bolted together on site.送到时是一套盒装组合家具,再就地装配起来。Its headquarters will soon be relocated from Westminster to the Greenwich site.其总部很快将从威斯敏斯特迁往格林尼治。We finally settled on Miami as the site of our next conference.我们最终选定迈阿密为下次会议的召开地点。At a casual glance, the hill site was quite unsuitable.这个山丘场地乍一看很不合适。At the site, rescue workers have been searching systematically in the hope of finding more survivors.救援人员正在现场进行彻底的搜索,希望能发现更多的幸存者。They pulled down the movie theater and built a new health club on the site.他们把电影院拆了,在原址建了一个新的健身会所。A small team worked off-site on the project.一个小组在外面做这一项目。An incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.在距离失事现场附近的警局设立了一个事件调查办公室。The allegations attracted a lot of attention when they landed on the Drudge Report site in the morning.这一指控今天早上出现在掘奇密报网站,受到了很大关注。The developer plans to build a model community on the site.开发商想在这个地方建一个样板镇。She has acquired an email address and a site on the World Wide Web.她获得了一个电子邮件地址和万维网网址。That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately.那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。The search engine crawls the site for relevant keywords.搜索引擎用相关关键词爬取到网站信息。While excavating the site, workers unearthed the remains of several dinosaurs.在挖土施工时,工人们挖掘出了几具恐龙遗骸。Environmentalists say there is a high risk of pollution from the landfill site.环境保护工作者说废弃物填埋场很可能造成污染。 |