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词汇 sit on
例句 She sits on the board of directors.她在董事会里任职。Can I sit on this chair?我可以坐这把椅子吗?Every day the crisis worsens and yet the government seems content to sit on its hands.危机逐日加深,然而政府似乎满足于无所事事。Let's sit on the problem for a while and see if anything changes.这个问题咱们先放一放吧,看看是否有变数。Are people with criminal records allowed to sit on a jury?有犯罪记录的人能担任陪审员吗?You may simply prefer just to sit on the terrace with a cocktail.你也许只是想坐在阳台上喝一杯鸡尾酒。Even in his dotage, the Professor still sits on the committee.即使已经年老昏聩,那位教授仍然出任委员会委员。The town has purchased a site on Villa Avenue for the new library.镇政府在别墅大道买下一块地建图书馆。He stood up and pulled a chair out for me to sit on.他站起身来,拉出一把椅子给我坐。He sits on the passenger transport authority.他在客运局供职。Let your baby sit on the floor propped up with plenty of cushions to support him.让宝宝坐在地板上,多放几个垫子让他倚靠。The badge sits on the lapel of his suit.徽章佩在他西服的翻领上。On summer evenings we would sit on the veranda and watch the sun go down.在夏天的傍晚,我们常坐在游廊上看日落。Old women in large conical hats and Vietnamese clothing sit on the steps.头戴大锥形帽、身穿越南服装的老年妇女坐在台阶上。They refused to have cruise missiles sited on their soil.他们拒绝在他们国土上设置巡航飞弹。Come and sit on Mommy's knee.来,坐在妈妈的膝盖上。They made us sit on these silly little chairs.他们让我们坐在这些可笑的小椅子上。He will sit on the jury at the trial.他将是审判该案的陪审员。I'm searching for sites on aromatherapy.我正在搜索关于芳香疗法的网站。It is very uncomfortable to sit on these seats.这些座位坐着非常不舒服。There weren't enough chairs so I had to sit on the floor.椅子不够,我只好席地而坐。The house sits on top of a hill overlooking the countryside.房子坐落在山顶,俯瞰着下面的乡野。The house sits on top of a hill.房子坐落在小山顶。The office building will be sited on this lot.办公大楼将建在这块地皮上。He's not afraid of making decisions and is a man who never sits on the fence.他不怕拍板,从不作骑墙派。The temple sits on a hill.寺庙座落在山上。They decided to sit on the bad news as long as possible.他们决定尽可能拖延时间不把这个凶讯讲出去。It's one of the most trafficked sites on the Web.这是访问量最多的网站之一。Workers are losing their jobs while the government sits on its hands and does nothing.工人在失业,而政府却坐视不管。Don't sit on the floor - you might dirty your dress.别坐在地板上——会弄脏你的裙子的。The boss is going to sit on him to make sure he says nothing.老板要向他施压,确保他保持沉默。She likes to sit on the couch eating bonbons.她喜欢坐在沙发上吃夹心软糖。Immigrants are provided with sites on which to build their own houses.移民可以得到提供的地皮建造自己的房子。Iwouldn't sit on that chair – it wobbles.我不想坐那张椅子,它直摇晃。The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered.那家博物馆恰好坐落在最早发现黄金的地点。The birds sit on the cage floor to hatch their eggs.那些鸟趴在笼子里孵蛋。He sits on the board but has no executive power.他是董事会成员,但没有行政权力。He sits on the committee.他担任委员会的委员。She has acquired an email address and a site on the World Wide Web.她获得了一个电子邮件地址和万维网网址。You can sit on the concrete by the pool.你可以坐在游泳池边的混凝土地上。




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