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词汇 老人
例句 Now they have silvered into grand old men.现在他们已变成满头银发的老人了。The skin of an old person is less reactive than that of a young person.老人的皮肤对于刺激的反应不如青年人的灵敏。He gave up his seat to an old man.他让座给一位老人Not many people could fill the old man's shoes.没有多少人能够接替那位老人的工作。The old and the sick were the first to be evacuated.老人和病人最早被疏散。The dying old man panted out his last wishes.临终的老人喘著气说出自己的遗愿。The old man slowly climbed up the stairs to his room.老人慢慢地爬上楼到自己的房间去。The death of his dog left an aching void in the old man's heart.老人的狗死了,这在他心中留下了痛苦的空虚感。The old man, ascending, paused on each tread.老人上楼时每走一级都要停一下。Many old people complain of loneliness.许多老人都抱怨说觉得寂寞。The old man expired at the age of eighty.老人于八十岁时逝世。The old man depended on his daughter to keep house.那位老人靠他女儿管理家务。Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing.英国有很多老人居住条件恶劣。When the old man died the estate was carved up and sold.老人去世时后地产被瓜分出售。The old man was utterly absorbed in the book.老人全神贯注地读这本书。The old man lifted his cane and whacked the mugger on the head.老人举起手杖用力击打劫匪的头部。We came across an old man lying in the road.我们碰见一位老人躺在路上。If society has no use for old people, is it any wonder that older people feel that their lives are without meaning?如果社会不需要老人老人能不感到自己的生活没有意义吗?Crimes against elderly people are still uncommon.针对老人的犯罪行为仍不常见。The poor old man is in his second childhood and doesn't know what he's saying.这可怜的老人年老昏聩,自己也不知道在胡说些什么。The sole occupant of the car was an elderly man.这辆车里只坐了一位老人The old man's ruddy complexion gave an illusion of good health.老人红润的脸色给人以健康的错觉。The old man napped on the porch.那位老人在走廊上打盹儿。She has an aged parent who's capable of being very difficult.她家里还有个老人,有时候很不好相处。I could hear the old man behind me wheezing.我能听到身后的老人呼哧呼哧的喘气声。Doctors watched the old man's heartbeat on a monitor.医生们通过显示器监测这个老人的心跳。The old man lumped along with a heavy heart.老人怀着沉重的心情蹒跚走去。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。The old man is breathing hard.这位老人呼吸困难。The old man was half asleep and barely able to respond to the policeman's questions.老人半醒半睡的,几乎不能回答警察的问题。The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.老人由孙子扶著进了房间。He was an old man with grey, grizzled hair.他是一位头发花白的老人The old man rears six birds.老人养了六只鸟。He did a caricature of the old man by talking in a deep voice.他用深沉的声调讲话,滑稽地模仿那位老人The old man sitting on the park bench looked familiar.坐在公园长椅上的那个老人看上去很面熟。He'd known the old man practically all his life.他几乎打记事起就认识这个老人He seemed to grow into an old man before his time.他似乎过早地变成一位老人了。It's nice to see an old man still so full of life.真高兴看见精力依然如此充沛的老人An old man came out and ambled over for a chat.一个老人出来,漫步走过去聊天。Many severe colds undermined the old man's health.多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康。




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