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词汇 缺氧
例句 Evidence is mounting that only a small minority of cases are caused by oxygen deprivation.越来越多的证据显示,只有少数病例是缺氧所致。Higher up we began to suffer from lack of oxygen.爬得更高后,我们开始因缺氧而感到难受。The engine stalled for lack of oxygen.发动机因缺氧而熄火。The pilot had lost consciousness because of oxygen starvation.飞行员因为缺氧已经失去了知觉。She fainted from lack of air.她因为缺氧昏倒了。He almost died due to lack of oxygen.他因缺氧而差点死去。Hypoxia can result in an increase in the production of erythropoietin.缺氧可能导致红细胞生成素增加。He suffered brain damage as a result of oxygen deprivation.他的大脑因缺氧而受到了损害。He almost died from oxygen starvation.他差点儿因缺氧而死去。There was a risk the brain might be starved of oxygen.大脑可能有缺氧的危险。The patient didn't seem to be getting enough oxygen.病人似乎缺氧




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