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词汇 绑架
例句 Journalists in the zone are at serious risk of being kidnapped.这一地区的记者有被绑架的严重危险。She had been doped and kidnapped.她被下了迷药绑架了。He denies attempted murder and kidnap.他否认企图谋杀和绑架Wine growers say they've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers.葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架She claims that she was abducted by aliens. ]她声称自己遭到了外星人的绑架The man is facing criminal proceedings for kidnapping his daughter.这个人因绑架他的女儿正面临刑事诉讼。He was held captive for a week before he was ransomed and returned to his family.他被绑架一个星期后才被赎出回到家里。His plan is to kidnap the President of the United States.他的计划是绑架美国总统。He was found guilty of kidnapping.他被判犯有绑架罪。She was terrified that Ronnie would kidnap Sam.她吓坏了,生怕龙尼会绑架萨姆。A ransom demand has been made for the kidnapped racehorse.绑架的赛马已遭勒索赎金。Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found.尽管已经在全国范围内追捕该绑架团伙,却没有发现他们的任何蛛丝马迹。The kidnapping attempt was balked by the police.绑架企图为警方所挫。Police in Brazil uncovered a plot to kidnap him.巴西警方发现了有人要绑架他的阴谋。The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.这个少年可能被一个异教组织绑架了。Davis was found guilty of abducting and killing Polly Klaas.戴维斯被判绑架和杀害波莉·克拉斯的罪名成立。It seemed then that Blake must have arranged the kidnap, using Jackson as middleman.这样看来,布莱克一定是利用杰克逊做中间人策划了这宗绑架She has been accused of being an accomplice in the kidnapping.她被指控合谋绑架He was abducted from his home.他在家里遭到了绑架The two men have denied being involved in Troy's kidnapping and murder.这两名男子否认与特洛伊被绑架和谋杀一案有关。The country has a long history of political kidnappings.这个国家有很长的政治绑架的历史。The girl told the authorities that she had been kidnapped from her home.姑娘告诉警方她是在家里被绑架的。With his last breath he cursed his captors.他用最后的一口气诅咒绑架他的人。The kidnapping has caused the family months of heartbreak and suffering.绑架事件使这个家庭几个月都沉浸在伤心和痛苦中。She was abducted late last night.她昨天深夜遭到绑架The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations.这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂。She appeared in court on charges of kidnapping and assault.她因受到绑架和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。The man accused of kidnapping Lucy Pohl has been found guilty.被控绑架露西·波尔的那名男子被判有罪。Most diplomats now travel with bodyguards, following a series of kidnappings.自从发生了一连串绑架事件后,大部分外交官外出旅行时都带上了保镖。No one knows where the kidnapped woman is being held.没人知道被绑架的女子关在哪儿。He was kidnapped and briefly detained by a terrorist group.他被一个恐怖组织绑架并短暂拘禁。Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped at gunpoint.一名妇女遭到持枪绑架后,警方呼吁证人挺身而出。Wilson was sentenced to die for kidnapping.威尔逊因绑架罪被判处死刑。Pretrial hearings on kidnap charges against them took place last month.关于他们被指控绑架一案的预审于上月进行。The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face.因孩子被绑架所受的万分折磨全写在她脸上。She is charged with murder, kidnapping, and criminal conspiracy.她被控谋杀、绑架以及预谋犯罪。Kidnappings are horrendous crimes and the offenders are punishable by death.绑架是重大的犯罪,犯罪者可以判处死刑。They ransomed the kidnapped child with 10,000 dollars.他们用一万元赎回了被绑架的孩子。Someone spirited her away during the night.有人在夜间将她秘密地绑架走了。She believes in ghosts and alien abduction.她相信有鬼魂,也相信有外星人绑架事件。




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