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词汇 cover-up
例句 Claims of a cover-up were dismissed.声称有人掩盖真相的种种说法未被采纳。To me, the whole thing smacks of a cover-up.在我看来,整件事有点掩饰真相的味道。He was complicit in the cover-up. 他与人串通掩盖真相。Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up.三名警察涉嫌隐瞒事实。The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.人们发现政府对这起隐瞒事件早已知情,这真是火上浇油。The police investigation was a joke. A total cover-up.警方的调查简直荒唐可笑,完全是在掩盖真相。General Schwarzkopf denied there'd been any cover-up.施瓦茨科普夫将军否认曾有任何掩饰行为。His brash manner is just a cover-up for his insecurity.他的傲慢举止正是对其缺乏安全感的掩饰。He accused the government of a cover-up.他指责政府隐瞒实情。The report exposes an attempted cover-up of the accident.这一报道揭露了企图掩盖事故的行为。Some people suspect that government officials were involved in a cover-up of the incident.有些人怀疑政府官员涉及掩盖这件事情。The President was implicated in the cover-up and forced to resign.总统因与这起真相隐瞒事件有牵连而被迫辞职。Today's announcement smacks strongly of a government cover-up.今天的公告凸显出政府掩人耳目的意图。Military leaders were involved in a massive cover-up.军事首脑们卷入了一起重大的隐瞒真相事件。The whole affair smacked of a government cover-up.整件事有政府企图掩盖的迹象。The book describes the burglary and its ensuing cover-up.这本书描写了一起入室盗窃及其随后的掩饰行为。If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government.如果有人想要隐瞒实情,那其中就涉及政府部门最高层的人物。The Watergate cover-up eventually led to Nixon's resignation.掩盖水门事件的企图最后导致了尼克松的辞职。Is it true that the Chief of Police was in on the cover-up?警察局长是否真的知道这个隐藏的事实?




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