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词汇 精神病院
例句 She was sectioned by the judge.法官判她入精神病院Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.她的母亲被关在精神病院,这给她的童年蒙上了阴影。They go in and out of the famous Priory clinic as if it were a five-star hotel rather than a psychiatric hospital.他们出入于著名的普莱奥瑞医院,就好像这是家五星级宾馆,而不是一家精神病院They wanted to shut Mary up in a mental hospital.他们想把玛丽关进精神病院He went mad and spent the rest of his life locked up in a mental hospital.他精神失常了,关在精神病院度过了余生。The woman will be confined to a mental institution.这个女人将被关进精神病院The inquiry team criticises staff at the psychiatric hospital for the low standard of care.调查小组批评该精神病院的员工护理水平低劣。As a young man, he had been certified and sent to a hospital for the mentally ill.他年轻时被证明患有精神病,并被送到了精神病院He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period.他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。Brett was eventually confined in a psychiatric hospital, where he committed suicide.布雷特最终被关进一所精神病院,他在那里自杀身亡。The psychiatrist recommended commitment as the wisest course.精神病医师认为把病人送进精神病院是最明智的办法。These men came and took me to an asylum.这些人来了后把我带到了一家精神病院He works in an insane asylum.他在一家精神病院工作。In the past, people who suffered from schizophrenia were often put away.过去,患精神分裂症的人通常都被送进精神病院Sally spent several years in an institution.萨莉曾在精神病院里住过好几年。They put him into a mental hospital.他们把他送进精神病院She argued against the committal of the defendant to a mental hospital.她据理反对把被告送入精神病院She was committed to a state mental hospital.她被送进了州立精神病院She's the warden of a home for mentally handicapped people.她是一所精神病院的院长。Institutionalization was necessary when his wife became both blind and violent.他妻子眼睛瞎了,性子也变得狂暴起来,这时有必要把她送入精神病院了。It is a national shame that our prisons serve as mental institutions.监狱被当作精神病院,这是我们的国耻。It was rumoured that he had been interned in an asylum for a while.据说他曾在一家精神病院关过一段时间。For two years I have had to keep my wife institutionalized for schizophrenia.两年来,我只得让妻子呆在精神病院内治疗精神分裂症。Psychiatrists argue that closing down mental institutions will lead to more homeless people on our streets.精神病专家认为,关闭精神病院将会使我们的街头上出现更多的无家可归者。Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.阿瑟因嗜酒被送进了精神病院He had been an inmate of the mental hospital for three years.他在精神病院住了三年。He's in the nuthouse.他住进了精神病院He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.他在精神病院当护士。She was confined to a psychiatric hospital for a year.她在精神病院被关了一年。Heggie was remanded to a mental hospital for assessment by doctors.赫吉被押往一所精神病院接受医生检查。She committed herself to a mental institution. 她投身于精神病院的工作。She saw herself as a failure and had been institutionalized once for depression.她把自己看作一个失败者,曾一度因抑郁而被送入精神病院His mother was in a psychiatric hospital after suffering a mental breakdown.他母亲在精神崩溃之后住进一家精神病院Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum.盖因没有受审,但在一家精神病院度过了余生。William was confined to an institution for some years.威廉在精神病院里关了好几年。The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.精神病专家小组判定,以她的情况将她送入精神病院没有益处。




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