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Cosby had originally selected her to co-star in his movie 'Leonard Part 6'.科斯比最初选中了她来联袂主演他的电影《天才老爹拯救地球》。Roberts plays a young law student, with Denzel Washington as her virile co-star.罗伯茨扮演一名年轻的法律系学生,由丹泽尔·华盛顿作她阳刚气十足的对手男星。She accused her co-star of trying to hog the limelight.她指责合演的明星企图抢风头。Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his co-star Oliver Hardy.斯坦·劳雷尔和他的搭档奥利弗·哈迪联袂主演了许多喜剧片。Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.拉夫特不断地破口大骂和他联合主演的演员。During the filming, Curtis fell in love with his co-star, Christine Kaufmann.在电影摄制过程中,柯蒂斯爱上了同他联袂主演的明星克里斯汀·考夫曼。 |