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例句 His father, also an army officer, had died during the war.他父亲也是一名军官,在那场战争中阵亡。Until recently the civil war had been largely unreported in the press.直到最近报纸才开始报道那场内战。The show was one of Broadway's biggest smashes.那场演出是百老汇最轰动的演出之一。It was a damn good party.那场聚会真是棒极了。The controversy has hotted up again.那场辩论再次变得激烈。I had a seat by the ringside for a close view of the fight.我为了能在近距离观看那场拳击比赛,便选了一个台边席位就座。The event was televised coast-to-coast.那场赛事在全国电视播出。Are you going to watch the big fight tomorrow?你去看明天那场重要的拳击赛吗?While under hypnosis, she described the horrific accident in detail.在催眠状态下,她详细描述了那场可怕的事故。The law suit was the company's death warrant.那场官司导致了公司的倒闭。We went to see the movie for its camp value.我们去看那场电影是为了欣赏它滑稽可笑的表演形式。The fire broke out in the dead of night.那场火是午夜时分烧起来的。They had totally different perspectives on the war.他们对于那场战争有着完全不同的观点。The unexpected sale beat the competition to the draw by two days.那场突如其来的大拍卖比竞争对手赶前了两天。He plated the winning run in Wednesday's victory.他在周三获胜的那场比赛中跑垒得到了一分。Their last concert was really awesome.他们最后的那场音乐会真棒。Many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.那场悲剧的许多受害者仍需要心理辅导。He frowned, casting his mind back over the conversation.他皱起了眉,回想起那场谈话。The effect of the war on the economy was catastrophic.那场战争对经济的影响是灾难性的。Desirous of knowing something about the operations, I stood and watched the spectacle.因为非常希望了解那些行动的情况,我就站着观看那场面。Many lives were lost in the disaster.许多人在那场灾难中丧生。It's easy for us to say that the war was wrong, but we have the advantage/benefit of hindsight.我们现在轻而易举就能指出那场战争是个错误,但这只是马后炮。My memory's a bit shaky about the war.那场战争我已经记不太清了。The wedding was a blast.那场婚礼是一场狂欢。Losing that game was a real kick in the teeth.输了那场比赛实在是一次重大挫折。Judith couldn't really enter into the spirit of the occasion.朱迪思无法完全融入那场合的欢乐气氛中去。He put some money on a horse in the five o'clock race.他在五点钟那场比赛的一匹马身上下了赌注。Most people watched the show out of curiosity. 大多数人去看那场演出是出于好奇。That storm was really one for the book.那场风暴实在是史无前例,值得大书特书。 This year's olive harvest was the best since the war.那场战争以来,今年橄榄的收成是最好的。They spent much of the time reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to do.像老兵们常做的那样,他们把大部分时间用来回忆那场战争。I was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident.那场事故以后,我的手臂几乎不能动了。The fire left her horribly disfigured.那场大火使她严重毁容。The accident must be put down to negligence.那场事故一定是由疏忽大意造成的。She doubted that the accident could have been avoided.她不认为那场意外本可以避免。It was the Olympic Games that really put Seoul on the map.那场奥运会使首尔大大地出了名。We would have lost that game without her.没有她我们就会输掉那场比赛。Their team won the game with ease.他们队轻松地赢了那场比赛。The accident poses a terrible problem for the family.那场事故给这个家庭带来了可怕的灾难。A service was held in commemoration of the battle. 人们举行了一个仪式纪念那场战役。




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