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例句 If there's anything I can't stand it's an indecisive, wishy-washy customer.如果说我有什么不能容忍的话,那就是犹犹豫豫、挑来挑去的客户。His girlfriend lives in London and I'm sure that was a factor in his decision to move there.他的女友住在伦敦,我肯定那就是他决意搬去那里的一个因素。There's just one little problem we haven't discussed: the company is going bankrupt!只有一个小问题我们还没有讨论,那就是公司要破产了!I knew that I had my weaknesses. Perhaps that is the reason that I was not more successful.我知道自己有弱点,也许那就是我未能更成功的原因。I think that it would be very derelict and negligent if we didn't try.我认为如果我们不尝试去做,那就是极度的不负责任和玩忽职守。That's why I must trust you to keep this secret.那就是为什么我必须相信你会保守这个秘密。If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果只有一样东西定能让父母感到恐惧,那就是毒品。That's why he did it.那就是他做此事的原因。I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success.我渐渐开始面对这个事实,那就是我几乎一事无成。Imagine Robert Redford when he was young - that's what John looks like.想象一下罗伯特‧雷德福年轻时的样子——那就是约翰的模样。Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。As far as I'm concerned, when you get married it's for life.对我来说,结了婚,那就是一辈子的事情了。The United States must soldier on, for to abandon Iraq to its fate now would be irresponsible.美国必须撑下去,因为现在抛弃伊拉克使之听天由命,那就是不负责任。Help was at hand in the shape of a government grant.帮助就在眼前,那就是政府拨款。Congress and the President have been at each other's throats for so long that it's a wonder they can agree on anything.国会和总统长久以来都不和,他们要是能在什么事上达成一致,那就是奇迹了。That's why you're so anti other people smoking.那就是为什么你如此反对别人吸烟。This area is completely unspoilt, and therein lies its charm.这个地区完全没受破坏,那就是它的魅力所在。That's the point I've been trying to make.那就是我一直努力说明的观点。They would be derelict in their duty not to pursue it.他们如果不坚持下去,那就是玩忽职守。If ever there was the right person for the job it was her.如果真有人适合这份工作,那就是她了。Evidence that the world's population is increasing faster than ever implies a gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation.证据显示世界人口正以前所未有的速度在不断地增长,这意味着人类将要面临一个令人沮丧的现实,那就是饥饿。I'm telling you - that's how it happened.我可以肯定地说,那就是事情发生的经过。If a player jumps when taking a throw-in, it's a foul throw.如果一名队员跳起来掷界外球时,那就是不符合规范的。Only one person can answer the question namely you.只有一个人能回答这个问题,那就是你。A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalized.现在有一个真正的危险,那就是冲突的国际化。If there was one thing she couldn't face in the morning it was her mother on the warpath.如果说早上有一件事让她无法面对的话,那就是她母亲挑事发火。There was Thomas, walking towards me in his strange uncoordinated way.那就是托马斯,迈着怪模怪样不协调的步子朝我走过来。If we miss our deadline, it will be on your head. 如果我们错过截止日期,那就是你的错。That explains why we we're so far behind schedule.那就是我们远远落后于计划的原因。If anything, he looks younger and fitter than he did before.要说他有什么变化,那就是比过去更年轻、更健康了。For me that was the high spot of the entire cruise.对我来说那就是整个航游过程中最精彩的部分。That's the problem as far as I can see.在我看来,那就是问题所在。You know what makes me nervous? When people drive really close behind you.你知道什么事会让我紧张不安吗?那就是有人开车跟得我太紧时。That was the very reason why he felt a certain bitterness.那就是为什么他感到有些痛苦。If I didn't finish this meal it would be an insult to your superb cooking.如果我不吃完这餐饭,那就是不尊重你的超凡厨艺。Doctors are failing in their duty if they do not warn their patients of the dangers.如果医生不提醒病人注意种种危险,那就是失职。It is their husbands' fault if wives do fall.如果妻子不贞,那就是丈夫的过失了。If the book has a fault, it's that it's too long.要说这本书有什么不足的话,那就是太长了。That is how the situation stands at present.那就是目前的状况。Bernadette had a vision in which the Virgin Mary appeared before her.贝尔纳黛特看见了一个幻象,那就是圣母玛丽出现在她面前。




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