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词汇 移居
例句 Oftentimes a company will contribute toward an employee's moving expenses.在许多情况下,雇主会为雇员提供移居的费用。Moving to the city was a rude awakening for an innocent country girl like Eli.移居城市让像伊莱这样天真无邪的乡下姑娘猛然醒悟。He moved to England where, among other things, he worked as a journalist.移居英格兰,干过不少工作,包括做记者。They surprised everyone by moving to the Bahamas.他们移居巴哈马群岛,让所有人都感到惊讶。Adults are not flexible; they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性不强;他们移居异地会感到不舒服。My younger sister, Karen, is moving to Japan.我妹妹卡伦正要移居日本。He is a British emigrant to Australia.他是个移居澳大利亚的英国人。He set up practice in Melbourne and wrote a guidebook for other migrants.他在墨尔本开业,还为其他新近移居澳大利亚的人写了一本指南。She graduated from college and subsequently moved to New York.她大学毕业后移居纽约。I played with the idea of moving to Chicago but ended up staying in New York.我曾有过移居芝加哥的一丝念头,但最终还是留在了纽约。My quality of life has improved tremendously since I moved to the country.移居乡村以来,我的生活质量大大提高。She languished for her children who had migrated to Australia.她苦苦思念著移居澳大利亚的儿女。Several of his forefathers emigrated to America.他的几位祖先移居美国。I had heard/I'd heard they were planning to move to Boston.我听说他们打算移居波士顿。He expatriated himself for years at Paris.移居巴黎多年。I toyed with the idea of moving to France but ended up staying here.我曾心血来潮想移居法国,但结果却留在了这里。The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it.多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。Adults are not flexible, so they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性差,所以移居别处会感到不舒服。Imagine our surprise when they sold their house and moved to the Bahamas.他们卖掉了房子移居巴哈马群岛,你可想而知我们有多惊讶。Her family is discussing a possible move to America.她的家人在讨论移居美国的可能。Although it would be a wrench, we would all accept the challenge of moving abroad.虽然移居海外会很痛苦,但我们都愿意接受这个挑战。Why don't we sell up and move to Canada? Property is really cheap there!我们为什么不卖掉房子移居加拿大呢?那儿的地产很便宜!She was the daughter of Chinese immigrants to America.她父母是移居美国的中国侨民。He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England.移居英格兰之前,他早年是在斯里兰卡度过的。He renounced his U.S. citizenship and moved to Canada.他放弃美国公民身份,移居加拿大。We both wanted to move to Canada - it was a joint decision.我们俩都想移居加拿大—这是共同的决定。She moved to France and we lost touch with each other.移居法国后我们便失去了联系。Before moving to Paris, Michael went on an intensive course to improve his French.迈克尔移居巴黎前,参加了一门强化课程以提高他的法语水平。Political unrest caused mass emigration following the war.政治动乱导致战后大批人移居境外。He emigrated to Australia as a young man.他年轻时就移居澳大利亚。Spain is my adopted country.西班牙是我移居的国家。Moving to the coast had some drawbacks, but there were also compensations.移居海边有坏处但也有好处。He wants his children to grow up in his adopted homeland.他希望子女能在他移居的国家里长大成人。Laura left her native England to live in France.劳拉离开她的家乡英格兰而移居法国。Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。The seductions of life in a warm climate have led many Britons to live abroad, especially in Spain.很多英国人抵挡不住温暖气候的诱惑,移居海外,尤其是到西班牙。They would run up a few debts and then go elsewhere.他们常常欠下几笔债后就移居他地。My sister abandoned her husband and three children and went to live in Holland.我姐姐抛下丈夫和三个孩子移居荷兰了。He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.他宣誓效忠于自己移居的国家。I heard a story that he had moved to Australia.我听说他已移居澳大利亚。




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