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词汇 离异
例句 He split up with his wife.他与妻子离异了。How many screwed-up adults are there now whose parents stayed together for the children's sake?有多少人年幼时父母因为自己没有离异,长大后神经变得敏感脆弱?An increasing number of marriages end in divorce.越来越多的婚姻以离异告终。Please state whether you are single, married, or divorced.请说明您是单身、已婚还是离异If she leaves her husband, she will certainly create a scandal in the village.如果她与丈夫离异,肯定会在村子里引起公愤。She had been deeply affected by her parents' divorce.父母的离异使她深受打击。The program is designed to help children from broken families build their self-esteem.该计划旨在帮助离异家庭的孩子建立自尊心。The divorce heightened speculation about a possible second marriage.这一离异加重了人们对可能出现的第二次婚姻的猜测。No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.似乎没有人对离异公主的再婚感到丝毫惊讶。Please state whether you are single, cohabiting, married, separated, divorced or widowed.请说明你是单身、同居、已婚、分居、离异还是丧偶。Many children are traumatized by their parents' divorce.父母的离异给许多孩子造成极大痛苦。New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce.新的政府统计数字预测,每两例婚姻中就有一例会离异Her parents' divorce had a profound effect on her life.她父母的离异对她的生活有很深的影响。A minister may conduct the marriage of a divorced person whose former spouse is still alive.牧师可以为前配偶仍然在世的离异者主持婚礼。Divorce doesn't have to screw your children up.离异并不一定非得把孩子们弄得精神紧张。He comes from a broken home. 他来自离异家庭。




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