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词汇 just now
例句 He spurned away the basket he uesd just now.他把刚用过的篮子一脚踢开了。Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper.兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。Listen, you jerk. A boy almost got killed just now.听着,笨蛋。一个男孩刚才差点丧命。I had a really big lunch, so I don't feel like anything just now.我午饭吃得很饱,所以现在不想吃东西。He doesn't strike me as grounded enough to be getting married just now.他给我的印象不够踏实,不能马上就和他结婚。I must correct a false impression that I gave you just now.我必须纠正我刚才给你留下的错误印象。You looked pretty upset just now.你刚才看上去挺难过的。Mrs Collins is busy just now, so you'll have to wait.科林斯太太此刻正忙,所以你得等等。What she said didn't penetrate until just now.她所说的话刚刚才为人们所理解。Business is slack just now.眼下商业不景气。Small businesses are going through a bit of a bad patch just now.小企业刚刚经历了一段有点艰难的日子。I'll ask my boss for the day off – I'm in her good books just now.我要向老板请一天假 — 现在我很得宠。I'll buy the drinks, I'm feeling flush just now.我来买酒,我现在正富裕呢。Thanks to the strength of the pound, these wines offer tremendous value just now.多亏英镑坚挺,眼下买这些葡萄酒很上算。Short skirts are very much in vogue just now.短裙目前非常流行。I apologize for my outburst just now.我对刚才的感情冲动表示歉意。I'm sure I saw someone lurking in the bushes just now.我肯定刚才看到有人躲在灌木丛里。I'm a little low on funds just now.我目前手头有点拮据。I'll be with you just now.我马上就去和你会合。I don't want to go into all the technicalities just now.现在我不想深究全部技术细节。I saw him just now.我刚刚见到他。Solid food and myself are not on speaking terms just now.目前我还不宜吃固体食物。There are a lot of bargains in the shops just now.商店里现在有许多便宜货卖。Her condition is quite fragile just now.此刻她身体非常虚弱。A blue car overpassed just now.刚才有一辆蓝色的汽车驶过去了。We don't have any domestic help just now.眼下我们家里一个佣人也没有。It'd gone right out of my mind until just now.之前我已经完全把这件事给忘了,但刚才又记起来了。I had a little chin with Larry just now.刚才我和拉里聊了一会天。He's in a bit of a corner just now regarding money.他眼下经济有点儿拮据。That's the girl who hula-hulaed just now.这就是刚才跳草裙舞的姑娘。Everything is smooth just now.此时此刻,诸事顺利。Good fruit is scarce just now,and costs a lot.现时好的水果很少,且价格昂贵。I can't afford a new car just now. I'm no millionaire, you know.我现在买不起新车,要知道我可不是百万富翁。There is a lot of flu around just now.有许多人患了流感。The boiler burst up just now.那只锅炉刚爆裂了。The baby belched forth just now.这婴儿刚刚呕吐过。It seems to be open season on politicians just now.眼下好像正是针对政治家的自由批评期。I'm a bit short of the ready just now.我现在手头的现金有点紧张。I'd offer to help, only I'm really busy just now.我是想帮你的,但眼下我实在很忙。They are just now heading out the door.他们正朝门外走去。




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