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Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe in good manners.算我古板好了,可我还是认为人应该讲究礼数。Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society.其目的是要重拾过去的自豪感,建立一个更有礼数教养的社会。He is direct and courteous but distant.他直截了当且礼数周全,但是态度冷淡。All this splendour and ceremony may at first give the impression of high culture and sophistication.这种排场和礼数起初可能给人一种文化修养深、不同凡俗的印象。The secret society had a strong code of honour.这个秘密团体有着一套严格的礼数。 |