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词汇 短暂
例句 We resumed work after a lull of several weeks.短暂歇息了几周后,我们重新投入了工作。We experienced a few anxious moments as we waited to hear the results of the test.在等待宣布考试成绩时,我们经历了短暂的焦虑。They had a passionate but short-lived affair.他们之间有过一段充满激情但是短暂的关系。The quick handshake was firm and cool.短暂的握手有力沉稳。She once made a brief appearance on television.她曾经在电视上短暂露面。The patient briefly rallied but then became much worse and died a few days later.病人的情况曾短暂好转,但随即恶化,数日后病故。Chantal told Martine about her short-lived marriage.尚塔尔跟马丁内谈起她短暂的婚姻。They stopped by for a brief visit.他们顺路进行了短暂的拜访。The sun came out briefly.太阳短暂地露了露脸。There was a brief period of silence.出现短暂的沉默。We'll be back with more after a short break.短暂广告之后还有更多内容。They always met in the city for their romantic interludes.他们总是在那个城市相聚,享受短暂的浪漫时光。Holidaymakers are digging deep into their pockets to book late summer breaks.度假者想方设法拿出钱来预订夏末的短暂假期。There was a brief silence, then Gerald spoke up.一阵短暂的沉默,然后杰拉尔德开始发表意见了。He achieved a lot during his short tenure.他在短暂的任期内做出了很大的成绩。These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral.这些画在某种意义上提醒人们世俗的享乐是短暂的。How short our cultural memory has become.我们的文化记忆已经变得如此短暂了。He packed in an amazing amount in such a short life.短暂的一生是如此丰富多彩,令人惊叹。The visit will, of necessity, be brief.访问时间势必会很短暂Her career was short-lasting.她的职业生涯短暂The guerrillas fell back across the border after a brief battle with the army.游击队和军队短暂交火后就撤回到边境线的另一边。They are a priceless record of a brief period of British history.它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。The brief storm was a relief from the monotony of the hot summer afternoon.这场短暂的暴风雨缓解了夏日午后一成不变的炎热。He had a brief affair with a girl he pulled in a bar.他与一个酒吧里勾搭上的女孩有过一段短暂的恋情。It has been said that life is often "nasty, brutish, and short".有人说过,生命常常是“污秽、野蛮而短暂”的。I saw her briefly yesterday.我昨天和她短暂见了一面。The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future.这次经历也可以说是对未来的一次短暂的体验。It wasn't really a romance, just a passing flirtation.那不是真正的恋爱,只是一次短暂的调情。His brief time in the army doesn't qualify him as a military expert.他在军队中的短暂经历不足以让他成为军事专家。He had a brief fling at starting his own business.短暂地尝试过自己创业。They had a romantic encounter several years ago.几年前,他们曾有过一段短暂的恋情。It was quiet in the room, but only for a moment.房间里很安静,但只是短暂的一会儿。After a short rest, we are almost ourselves again.经过短暂的休息,我们又差不多恢复过来了。Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals.正在对欧盟各成员国首都作短暂访问的托尼·布莱尔今晚将飞抵都柏林,届时伯蒂·埃亨将设工作晚宴予以款待。He led a short but eventful life.他度过了短暂而坎坷的一生。Happiness never lasts.快乐总是很短暂He had brief relationships with several women.他跟好几个女人都有过短暂的关系。The congruence we achieved was short-lived.我们取得的一致维持的时间短暂After a short chase, the suspect surrendered to the police.经过短暂的追逐后,嫌疑犯向警方投降了。Life's too short to worry about money!人生短暂,何必为金钱而烦恼!




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