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词汇 知晓
例句 The results should be known inside of an hour.结果应该在一小时之内就能知晓Few voters had any idea of the issues at stake.很少有选民知晓问题的关键所在。There's no way to know what will happen next.无从知晓接下来会发生什么。His children's books are classics that deserve to be much better known.他的儿童书非常经典,应该为更多人所知晓It is imperative that the public be informed about these dangers. = It is imperative to inform the public about these dangers.务必要让公众知晓这些危险。It came out that he had known about these problems all along, but he hadn't said anything.原来他自始至终都知晓这些问题,但他什么都没说。There's no knowing what she'll do if she finds out about this.无从知晓她查出这事后会做些什么。There's no way of knowing what will happen.无从知晓接下来会发生什么。It remains to be seen whether her colleagues will agree.她的同事是否会同意,现在还无从知晓Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.鉴于结果尚未知晓,他们的批评似乎为时过早。There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.他内心深处仍怀有一丝隐约的希望:她也许永远不必知晓There's no way to know what the future will bring, so just take each day as it comes and hope for the best.我们无法知晓未来,所以只能过一天算一天,抱最好的希望。They don't like having their personal problems paraded in print for everyone to see.他们不喜欢自己的私事被报刊登载,让公众知晓One by one these old fishing villages have been “discovered” by a prominent painter.由于一个著名画家的介绍,这些古老的渔村一个个逐渐为人们所知晓It was scarcely in their interest to let too many people know.他们并不希望太多人知晓此事。Tonight's semifinals match is too close to call.今晚半决赛中究竟鹿死谁手还难以知晓It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓Our political message is still not reaching enough people.还要让更多的人知晓我们的政治讯息。The heavyweight politician not only knows his strength but punches his weight as well.这个重量级政客不但知晓自己的实力,而且还竭力使他的实力发挥影响。Kemp knew him for a meticulous officer.肯普因他是名谨慎的军官而知晓他。We should hear the results inside an hour.我们应该能在一小时内知晓结果。The accuser's identity is already well known.大家都已经知晓原告的身份。The judge agreed with the prosecution that such information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear.法官同意了检控方的意见,认为让陪审团知晓这样的信息对断案十分不利。




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