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We look forward to strengthening still further our already close cooperation with the police service.我们期待继续加强和警方之间已经很紧密的合作。We've always worked in close cooperation with the local authority.我们一向与地方当局保持着密切的合作关系。The prime minister's visit further promoted the cooperation between the two countries.总理的访问进一步促进了两国间的合作。NATO had charted a new course for stability and cooperation in Europe.北约制定了维持欧洲稳定与合作的新方针。The government sought the cooperation of the citizens in keeping the streets clean.政府寻求市民配合,保持街道整洁。The school fosters an atmosphere of competition rather than cooperation. 这所学校营造的是互相竞争而不是合作的氛围。There is a need for greater economic cooperation.有必要加强经济合作。In the future there will be greater military cooperation among all the nations of Europe.未来,欧洲各国间的军事合作将会加强。His mood oscillated between cooperation and aggression.他的情绪在合作和敌对之间摇摆。With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man.在公众的配合之下,警方有可能抓到这个人。Woodrow Wilson hoped the League of Nations would replace power politics with international cooperation.伍德罗•威尔逊希望国际联盟能以国际合作取代强权政治。The Prime Minister's visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries.首相的访问将促进两国间的合作。The only weapon the court has to enforce cooperation is the threat of sanctions.法院强制他人合作的惟一手段就是处罚。Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.遇到的困难之一就是缺少权力机关的合作。She called for closer cooperation on drugs control.她呼吁在毒品控制上进行更为密切的合作。Have your passports ready, and thank you for your cooperation.请把你们的护照准备好,谢谢合作。The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher cooperation can achieve.该校是父母和老师合作成果的典范。Their cooperation is vital, so cultivate them assiduously.与他们的合作至关重要,所以要坚持不懈地拉近与他们的关系。They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff.他们正在寻求高级医疗人员的配合。The company puts a lot of emphasis on cooperation and team building.公司非常强调协作与团队建设。Caldwell, in his remarks, emphasized the need for cooperation.考德威尔发言时强调需要合作。They believed that his cooperation with the enemy had passed over to collaboration.他们认为他与敌国的合作已演变成通敌行为。We are asking for your full cooperation.我们要求你能全力协助。The Mexican president expressed hope for cooperation on trade.墨西哥总统表达了进行贸易合作的希望。The charter should serve as a blueprint for cooperation.该章程应作为合作的行动方案。They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.他们讨论如何促进两国间的合作。You will need some cooperation from your family.你会需要家人的一些协助。Does the plan have the trust and cooperation of the workers?这一计划是否得到工人的信任和配合?The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation.两国签署了一个基本的合作条约。Their plan places heavy reliance upon cooperation from others.他们的计划严重依赖他人的合作。We asked for their cooperation in the collection of data.我们请求与他们在数据搜集方面进行合作。He got a bottle of wine in thanks for his cooperation.他得到了一瓶葡萄酒作为对他合作的感谢。We want to encourage greater cooperation among the different departments.我们希望鼓励不同部门之间展开更多的合作。We prefer cooperation over competition with them.我们与其同他们竞争,倒不如同他们合作。The two leaders have laid the foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries.两位领导人为两国合作的新纪元打下了基础。Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.这些政策需要各国展开史无前例的合作。We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups.我们希望争取到妇女团体的协助。In cooperation with other professionals, social workers will appraise the individual's needs.社会工作者将与其他专业人士携手合作,对个体的需要作出评估。This agreement laid a sound foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.这项协议为两国将来的合作打下了坚实的基础。The British electorate is looking for moderation and cooperation.英国的选民正在寻求互让与合作。 |