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词汇 conventions
例句 The play subtly mocks the conventions of romance.这部剧含蓄地讽刺了爱情小说的种种惯用套路。In her own work she simply reproduces the very conventions that she claims to despise.在她自己的作品中,她纯粹是复制了她声称深为鄙视的传统手法。This Star Trek tunic is perfect for cosplay or conventions.这条《星际迷航》束腰短袍用来参加角色装扮活动或大会是最合适的了。Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.她的小说颠覆了线性叙事的传统,没有清晰的时间线索,也没有简单明了的结局。He challenged the conventions of painting.他挑战绘画的传统手法。The conventions have become nothing but cheerleading rallies for the presidential campaign.这些大会纯粹变成了为总统大选摇旗呐喊的集会。The conventions of the book are explained in the front matter.本书凡例在文前页有所说明。It is silly to be a slave to social conventions.对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks.在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。The modernist movement in literature was a reaction against traditional literary conventions.文学中的现代主义运动是对传统文学陈规旧律的一种抵抗。The movie is a brilliant concoction of American and Italian Western conventions.这部影片巧妙地把美国和意大利的西部电影传统糅合在一起。Hill wilfully ignored the conventions of the banking world.希尔佯装对银行界的常规不管不顾。Old conventions die hard.旧的习惯势力是不会轻易消亡的。It's important to follow the conventions of punctuation in a paper for school.写学业论文时按规定使用标点是很重要的。Her art challenges conventions of feminine beauty.她的艺术向传统的女性美发出挑战。Many sports shows have recently adopted the conventions of the talk show.许多体育节目最近都采用了脱口秀的惯用形式。They maintained an attitude of defiance to social conventions.他们对社会规范持蔑视的态度。Television began beaming the national nominating conventions into the homes of Americans.电视开始向美国家庭播放总统候选人全国提名大会的情况。The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion.维多利亚时代的特征是有严格的传统习俗,人的思想感情受到压抑。They say school is just as important for teaching children social codes and conventions as for teaching math.他们说学校教给孩子各种社会准则和规范与教数学同样重要。Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative.她的小说颠覆了线性叙述的传统。I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。A lot of the usual conventions are ignored when you go on holiday.度假时,许多行为规范就不注意了。The director's use of the usual romantic conventions made the film boring and predictable.导演采用了惯常的浪漫手法,使得影片枯燥乏味并且情节老套。He rebelled against the social conventions of his time.他反抗他那个时代的社会习俗。He is a flamboyant millionaire who ignores social conventions.他是个派头十足、无视社会惯例的百万富翁。The conventions are carefully scripted affairs.会议发言都是事先精心准备好的。




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