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词汇 电子邮件
例句 The company receives torrents of e-mail every day.公司每天都收到海量电子邮件Net users can filter out unwanted emails with software.网络用户可以使用软件过滤掉不需要的电子邮件Instead of calling, why not e-mail instead?别打电话,干吗不发电子邮件呢?I accidentally copied the email to everyone in the company.我无意中把电子邮件抄送给了公司的每一个人。They sent millions of unsolicited commercial e-mails.他们主动发送了数百万封商务电子邮件It's considered bad netiquette to use capital letters in an email because it looks like YOU ARE SHOUTING.电子邮件中使用大写字母被认为是不符合规范的,因为这样看起来像是在吼叫。The message went by e-mail to all members of the staff.信息通过电子邮件形式发给每位员工。The system automatically purges unread emails after two weeks.这个系统会于两周后把未读的电子邮件自动删除。She checks her email first thing every morning.她每天早上都先检查她的电子邮件A large part of the work is responding to e-mails.这个工作的大部分内容是回复电子邮件Could you forward me her email, and I'll get back to her.你把她的电子邮件转发给我好吗,我再和她联系。Writing e-mail is a very different animal from all other forms of writing.电子邮件与其他所有的写作形式截然不同。He ended his e-mail with a smiley face.他在电子邮件的结尾加了一个笑脸符号。The e-mails exist and say what they are purported to say.那些电子邮件确有其事,而且内容和传闻里其所说的内容一样。I had to wait for my computer to unfreeze before I could read my e-mail.我得等电脑恢复正常后再阅读我的电子邮件Many industries are moving over to e-mail as their primary method of communication.很多行业现在逐渐把电子邮件作为主要的业务联系手段。Please send your suggestions via email to...请通过电子邮件把你的建议发送给⋯You can respond via email or phone.可通过电子邮件或电话答复。E-mail can be a blessing if you travel a lot in business.如果你经常出差,那么电子邮件真能帮你大忙。I spent the morning dealing with my emails.我用上午的时间来处理电子邮件Did you change the defaults on your email set-up?你更改了电子邮件设置的默认值吗?The email contains a link to the retailer's website.电子邮件包含能转到零售商网址的链接。She closed down her word processor and opened her e-mail program.她关掉文字处理软件,打开电子邮件程序。It's unbelievable to think how slow things were in the days before e-mail.想想在没有电子邮件的年代,事物的传送速度多慢啊,叫人难以相信。He was caught bang to rights by intimate e-mails.他被当场逮到发送暧昧电子邮件Email has largely replaced the traditional business letter.电子邮件已在很大程度上取代了传统的商务书信。If you are outbid, you will be notified by e-mail.如果有人出价比你高,你会收到电子邮件通知。E-mail is a channel of communication.电子邮件是一个沟通渠道。Penny spends her spare time writing letters and emailing friends.彭妮把闲暇时间用来给朋友写信和发电子邮件He logged on and checked his e-mail.他登录查看了电子邮件E-mails from listeners poured in complaining about the way the story was handled.听众纷纷发来电子邮件,对故事的处理方式表示不满。They can work from home, via email.他们可以通过使用电子邮件在家办公。Some ISPs are free and give you as many email addresses as you want.有些因特网服务提供商提供免费服务,对用户申请的电子邮件地址没有数量限制。He never replied to my letter/e-mail/invitation.他从不回复我的信件/电子邮件/邀请。He cc'd the entire staff.他将电子邮件抄送给了全体员工。The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use.电子邮件的好处就是快捷和便利。She spent the next hour e-mailing her resume to prospective employers.接着的一小时里,她通过电子邮件发个人简历给有可能成为雇主的公司。He sent a nasty letter/e-mail to the company.他给公司发了一封恶意信件/电子邮件Email has made mass mailings possible at the touch of a button.有了电子邮件,点击一个按钮就可以群发邮件。Nikki and I keep in touch by e-mail.我和尼克用电子邮件保持联系。




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