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词汇 琐碎
例句 No, I don't think your question is trivial at all.不,我一点都不觉得你的问题琐碎These petty rules can lead to frustration and anger.这些琐碎的条规会令人感到郁闷和愤怒。She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.她问了很多琐碎的问题,表明她缺乏经验。Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.请勿忽略任何细节,不管这些细节看似多么琐碎I didn't do much last weekend. I just puttered around. 上周末我没做太多的事情,只是随便处理了一些琐碎事务。He spent his vacation pottering around the house/garden.假期里,他在家/花园里干些轻松琐碎的活儿。There's no need to get into the doldrums about such an unimportant problem.对于这样的琐碎问题不必烦闷。He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.他被迫去做了一连串琐碎的工作。It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。She did menial tasks about the house.她干一些琐碎的家务活。I don't know how you have the patience for all those niggling little jobs.我真不知道你怎么会有耐心去做那些麻烦琐碎的工作。We could waste an awful lot of time niggling over petty details.琐碎的细节吹毛求疵会浪费我们很多的时间。He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.他仍然每天到乳品场看看,但把生意上大部分琐碎事务交给经理和工头打理。Trivial incidents, mishandled, can escalate into war.琐碎的小事件如果处理不当也可能会升级为战争。Bad weather found him pottering around the house.雨天,他在家里各处做些琐碎的工作。The removal of petty restrictions has made life easier.一些琐碎的规定取消后生活更自在了。There were so many petty rules and regulations that some companies stopped trying to export their products.琐碎的规章制度那么多,有些公司干脆就不去出口自己的产品了。While the majority of the regulations on safety standards were helpful, employers found some of them infuriatingly niggling.虽然安全标准规定大部分是有用的,但有一些却琐碎到让雇主们受不了。He made his children's lives a misery with all his petty rules.他的琐碎规定把孩子们的生活弄得苦不堪言。Let's stop discussing trivial details and get to the point.咱们别再谈琐碎细节了,说正事吧。Usually it is the trivial minutiae of life that we forget.通常我们忘记的是生活中的琐碎细节。She does not enjoy the details of housekeeping.她不喜欢琐碎的家务。The debate entered a frivolous vein.辩论开始变得琐碎无聊。Some of the discussion in the book is lightweight and unconvincing.书中的有些论述肤浅琐碎,毫无说服力。She has performed countless small mercies for her friends and neighbours.他为朋友和邻居们做过无数琐碎的好事。He managed to fix the television, but it was a time-consuming and fiddly job.他设法修好了电视机,那可是费时又琐碎的工作。It's time to rise above petty bickering/politics.现在不要再为琐碎的争吵/权术所纠缠了。In some ways, the report itself is unrealistic and nit-picking.这份报告本身在某些方面很不现实,而且十分琐碎The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government.这些琐碎争吵反映了政府的糟糕现状。




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