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词汇 班级
例句 The regulations limit the number of students in each class.条例限制每个班级的学生人数。Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best.在这个班级中,汤姆是最优秀的。When the teacher is away, the eldest pupil takes charge of the class.老师不在时,年龄最大的学生接管班级工作。There were many talented students in the class, but she was clearly the star. 班级中有很多同学天资聪慧,但她明显是最优秀的。The bad boy is a discredit to his class.那坏男孩给他的班级丢脸。Class size varies from one type of institution to another.班级大小因院校类型而异。The teacher thought the idea of a class picnic was not bad.教师认为班级举行一次野餐的主意不坏。We'll need a sub for Dawn's class tomorrow.我们需要找个代课老师去上明天唐的班级的课。The whole school, with the exception of the youngest class, had to attend the ceremony.除了年龄最小的班级,全校都必须参加这个典礼。The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use.学校有一个所谓的游泳池,但对大多数班级来说都太小了,不够用。For the time being, Mrs Gilman's classes will be taken by other teachers.吉尔曼太太教的班级暂时由其他老师接手。The general opinion among teachers is that small class sizes are important.教师中的普遍看法是班级的小规模很重要。The pupil's answers may not have been reflective of what the class as a whole had understood.这个学生的回答也许并不能代表该班级整体的理解。The teacher's criticism of the class was impersonal.教师对班级的批评并非针对哪一个同学的。Here's an activity you can do with mixed-ability classes.这里有一项活动,你可以在学生能力参差不齐的班级里做。Teachers thought it best to separate Paul and Fred and put them in different classes.老师认为最好把保罗和弗雷德分开,安排到不同的班级去。Several parents volunteered to chaperone class field trips.班级的实地考察活动有几位家长自愿陪同。Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year.孩子们在学生能力参差不齐的班级学习,每年升一级。Mrs Pollack took her class on an outing to the local museum.波拉克太太带她教的班级去参观当地的博物馆。Administrators oversee the testing of students, to place them in the appropriate classes.管理人员负责对学生的测试,以便把他们安排到合适的班级Only half the children in this class are literate.这个班级里的学童只有一半能读能写。Our class was loud and boisterous.我们班级叽哩呱啦,非常吵闹。The children in that class average four feet in height. 那个班级的孩子们平均身高是四英尺。On my first day's teaching, I had a class of highly excitable 5-year-olds.当老师的第一天,我就要教一个十分容易激动的五岁孩子的班级The boy was agreed to be the cleverest in his class.大家承认在班级里那个男孩最聪明。In a remarkable display of generosity, the students gave the money they had raised for the class trip to their sick classmate.学生们把筹集的班级出游款赠给了患病的同学,表现出不同寻常的慷慨。The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.这个班级中男生的平均年龄为十五岁。He has a poor ranking in his class.他在班级里的名次很低。Our class went on a field trip to a steelworks to observe a new steel-making process.我们班级到校外一家钢厂去实地考察一种新的炼钢法。If there is bullying in the classroom, it is the teacher who should put the problem right.如果班级里有恃强欺弱的现象,就应该由老师来摆平。It's ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.数学最差的学生竟被选为班级财务干事,真是讽刺。The young teacher wasn't equipped to deal with such a difficult class.这位年轻的老师无力对付如此棘手的班级His fellow students booted him out of the class.他的同学把他赶出了所属的班级The teacher sectioned the class for dialogues.老师把班级分组进行对话练习。So, do you like any of your new classes?你的新班级中有你喜欢的吗?The class is well grounded in arithmetic.这个班级算术基础很好。Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.所有人都去礼堂参加集会,会后各自回各自的班级Her class served as a testing ground for new teaching methods.她所在的班级是新教学法的试验基地。After the class trip was canceled, the money was reallocated to cover the cost of the dance.班级旅行被取消后,这笔钱被转用于支付舞会的费用。In the reflection on the glass door he could see the class behind him.从玻璃门上他可以看到身后整个班级的映像。




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