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词汇 满载
例句 He covered himself in glory and came home a rich man.满载荣誉,衣锦还乡。A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded with logs.一些当地人因试图阻止满载原木的卡车通行而被逮捕。The runway is too short for the plane to take off when it is fully loaded.这条跑道供满载的飞机起飞是太短了。Loaded supermarket trolleys are often difficult to manoeuvre.满载的超市购物车常常很难控制方向。Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder.亨利的部队满载战利品而归。The heavy coal trains were double-headed.满载的运煤列车由双机牵引。Boats were preparing to load up with tourists for an afternoon's mackerel fishing.船只正准备满载游客去钓一下午鲭鱼。Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand was no mean feat.满载货物的船拖过沙丘是一件了不起的事。The porters were trundling barrows loaded with vegetables into the market.搬运工吃力地把满载蔬菜的两轮手推车推进市场。A convoy of trucks containing supplies was sent to the famine area.一支满载补给品的车队被派往饥荒严重的地区。A heavy freight train double-headed up the mountain.一列满载货物的列车由双机牵引上山。Heavily laden donkeys joined the procession of jeeps and trucks.满载货物的驴子加入了吉普车和卡车的队伍。Heavily laden lorries were passing at a rate of one every three minutes.每三分钟就有一辆满载货物的卡车通过。The heavily-loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street.满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。They returned home with the car bulging with boxes.他们车里满载大包小盒,回到了家。Hundreds of trucks full of fruit and vegetables trundle across the border each day.每天都有成百上千辆满载水果、蔬菜的卡车慢慢驶过边界。The terrorists hijacked a bus full of passengers.恐怖分子劫持了一辆满载乘客的公共汽车。Men punted laden boats down a peaceful canal.人们沿着平静的运河用篙撑着满载货物的平底船。The ship was carrying a cargo of oil from Kuwait to Japan.这艘船满载石油从科威特开往日本。When the planes are fully loaded, they aren't able to take off from this runway, as it is too short.飞机满载时无法从这条跑道起飞,因为跑道太短。We came back from the tour round the factory loaded down with free gifts.我们参观了工厂之后,满载赠品而归。They arrived laden with gifts.他们满载礼物到达了。A carload of teenagers were cruising down the main drag.一辆满载青少年的汽车正沿着主干道缓慢行驶。A van loaded with newspapers was parked in front of the store.一辆满载报纸的小型货车停在商店门口。




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