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例句 Until now no one had been able to disprove the theory.直至现在尚无人能驳倒这一理论。It does not bother me now at all. It is all ancient history.现在它丝毫不让我感到烦恼。它只不过是陈年老账。It is premature to say what the cause of the fire was.现在说出火灾的原因还为时过早。I know it sounds pathetic now, but at the time I was frightened.我知道现在听起来挺窝囊,不过当时我很害怕。We can't very well tell them now.我们现在就告诉他们是不明智的。Thanks to the spread of modern technology, trained workers are now more vital than ever.由于现代技术的普及,现在训练有素的工人所发挥的作用比以往任何时候都更为重要。As we turned the corner, the distant mountains came in sight.我们一拐过这道弯,远处的群山便出现在眼前。I'm going back to New York, but not just yet.我要回纽约,但不是现在Yes, we do know why he's gone, but at present our lips are sealed.是呀,我们确实知道他为什么离开,不过现在我们不能讲。No one knows yet if anyone survived the crash. At this point, we can only hope.现在谁也不知道在这次坠机事故中是否有人生还。此时此刻我们只能寄予希望了。You shouldn't allow your job to dominate your life like that.你不应该让工作像现在这样主宰你的生活。It's not clear whether the change will help or hinder our project.现在还不清楚这种改变是有助于还是有碍于我们的项目。The author denies that she is experiencing writer's block.这位作家否认她现在文思枯竭。Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem.现在的观点认为,肥胖更多的是医学问题而非心理问题。I didn't think I'd like paying my bills online, but now I'm a convert.我原以为我不会喜欢上网支付账单,但现在我改变了看法。You can only play a diamond now.现在只能出方块牌。They were taken into detention two weeks ago and still are not allowed visitors.他们两周前遭拘留,现在仍不许探望。Now add up the number of calories you have eaten.现在把你吃的卡路里数加起来。It's siesta time.现在是午休时间。The problems have been fixed, and now all systems are go.问题已得到解决,现在一切准备就绪。Today, people are much more concerned about their health than they were in the past.现在人们比过去更关注自己的健康。He's not really in touch with what young people are interested in.他并不真正了解年轻人现在对什么感兴趣。We had quarrelled about the money before, and now it was happening all over again.我们以前曾经为这笔钱的事争吵过,现在争吵又开始了。But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.但是他现在得让怀疑者相信他有一个严肃的计划。She and Picasso had always been friends, but now they shared a secret that united them even more.她和毕加索向来是朋友,不过现在一个共同的秘密使两人的联系更为紧密了。I am up with him now. I was behind him for a while.现在跟他不相上下。有一阵子我落后于他。We are now pressed for time.我们现在时间紧迫。The door burst open and an angry young nurse appeared.门突然被推开,一名怒气冲冲的年轻护士出现在门口。I used to worry a lot about my weight when I was young, but now I'm past caring.我年轻时经常为体重担心,不过现在无所谓了。Don't pester me now-I'm on the telephone.现在别烦我 - 我在打电话。The company is now the main supplier of educational software to schools.该公司现在是学校教育软件的主要供应商。He and I got off to a bad start, but now we get along well.我和他一开始相处得不好,但现在我们已相处得融洽了。It now appeared mean and inconsiderable.现在它显得简陋而渺小。Companies are now using computers to help them choose new workers.公司现在利用电脑来帮助他们挑选新员工。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.他们现在可以选择与自由民主党人或绿党结盟来执掌国家政权。Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.研究人员现在已经确定了空气污染与哮喘之间有联系。It's dangerous to put out your hand now.现在你把手伸出去是危险的。These fears ought now to be laid.这些疑惧现在可以平息了。Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.现在他只要再修两个学分时就能毕业了。The engine was sputtering when I started it, but it's running/working all right now.当我启动时引擎噼啪作响,不过现在运转良好。




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