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词汇 源泉
例句 Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.科学研究被普遍认为是美国高生活水准的源泉The inevitability of change is the abiding source of human hope.变革的必然性是人类希望的永久源泉The sun is the ultimate store of power.太阳是动力的根本源泉The family continues to be the primary source of care and comfort for people as they grow older.随着年龄的增长,家庭仍然是人们获得关爱和安慰的主要源泉To the young boy his father was the fount of all knowledge.对于这个小男孩儿来说,他的父亲就是所有知识的源泉Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse.朱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特,也是他灵感的源泉In her books she mines the seemingly endless lode of her personal experiences.在她的多部著作里,她似乎都能从个人经历中寻找永无止境的创作源泉Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的源泉Citizens were indoctrinated into believing that their leader was the source of all wisdom and goodness.市民被灌输了这种思想,相信他们的领袖是所有智慧和善良品质的源泉The director discovered a rich vein of sentimentality.导演发现了一个丰富的情感源泉Four summers ago life seemed his oyster.四年前,生活似乎是他的快乐源泉Beauty is everywhere, and it is a source of great joy.美无处不在,是欢乐的源泉For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.对我来说,音乐是快乐的重要源泉She is a fountain of knowledge/wisdom.她是知识/智慧的源泉An encyclopedia is a well of knowledge.百科全书是知识的源泉You are a fountain of ideas.你就是思想的源泉The bards saw themselves as one of the founts of wisdom in the Celtic world.在凯尔特人的世界中,吟游诗人把自己看作智慧的源泉The sun is the father of warmth and light.太阳是光和热的源泉




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