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词汇 清醒
例句 I took a vacation to try to recover my sanity.我去休了假,想让自己清醒一下。He was hopeful that by sitting together they could both see sense and live as good neighbours.他希望他们坐到一起,彼此能清醒理智,和睦为邻。It's hard to stay/remain sane when I'm so busy.我一忙得不可开交时就很难保持大脑清醒The house seemed less threatening in the cold light of day.第二天早晨脑子清醒时,这房子似乎就不那么吓人了。The setback sobered all of us down.这一挫折使我们大家都清醒了。The drugs she's taking make her drowsy and confused, but there are times when she's quite lucid.她吃的药会让她感到头晕、意识模糊,但有时头脑却很清醒She offers a clear-headed analysis of the politics behind the war.她对战争背后的政治作了清醒的分析。He remains calm and clearheaded in tense situations.在紧张的形势下,他依然能保持镇定和清醒I'll drive you home - I think I'm the only one here that's sober.我开车送你们回去吧。我想我是这里唯一清醒的人。My own eyes had felt heavy-lidded, but now I was wide awake.我自己刚才也觉得眼睛都快睁不开了,不过现在我清醒得很。I had just woken up and wasn't quite with it yet.我刚刚醒来,头脑还不太清醒He is able to recognize his wife in his lucid moments.在意识清醒的时候,他能够认出妻子。The chill evening air was beginning to sober him.寒冷的晚风开始让他觉得清醒He's very grounded even though he has so much money.虽然他这么有钱,但他的头脑还是很清醒The sheer quantity of detail would bemuse even the most clear-headed author.光是这么多的细节就会让哪怕是头脑最清醒的作者感到困惑。These problems are not going to fix themselves. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee and elect someone who will get things done.这些问题不会自行解决。选民们需清醒面对现实,选出能干实事的人。Get real! He's never going to give you the money.清醒清醒吧!他永远都不会给你那笔钱的。The voice sounded perfectly rational but what it was saying was completely mad.听声音倒是再清醒不过,说的内容却全是胡言乱语。Are you sober enough to drive, Jim?吉姆,你够不够清醒,可以开车吗?He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was.他神志不是很清醒,不太知道自己在哪里。She was able to keep her head in the crisis.她在这次危机中保持了清醒的头脑。He's stone-cold sober.他彻底清醒了。John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.约翰也有清醒的时候,但每次总是又回到酗酒的老习惯。He's obviously not very with-it yet.很明显,他还是不太清醒She let out a loud sigh and tried to gather her wits.她大声叹了口气,想清醒一下。Rescuers found Campbell, who was conscious and coherent.营救队员找到了坎贝尔,他还是清醒的,而且思路清晰。Have some black coffee - that should sober you up!来杯清咖啡——那会使你清醒的!Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.正确的呼吸有助于清醒头脑、缓解紧张情绪。In her more lucid moments the old lady would talk about her past.在头脑较清醒的时候,老太太会谈起她过去的事。I think you should stay here until you've sobered up.我觉得你应留在这里,等清醒了再走。She was fully conscious all the time and knew what was going on.她一直都很清醒,知道是怎么回事。The patient has remained lucid throughout his illness.那个病人在整个患病过程中头脑一直是清醒的。When will you come to your senses? Don't you realize that she's been lying to you?你何时才能清醒呢?难道你没意识到她一直在骗你吗?I need a walk to clear my mind.我需要散散步来清醒一下头脑。We are not aware of our passage from consciousness to sleep.我们还不清楚从清醒到进入睡眠的过程。He was still conscious, trying to stem the bleeding with his right hand.他依然清醒,正试图用右手止血。The pain had lessened in the night, but so had his lucidity.夜里他的痛苦是减轻了,但人也不那么清醒了。It was a relief to hear one sane voice among all the shouting and hysteria.在这歇斯底里的叫嚣声中能听到一个清醒的声音,这是令人欣慰的。They are taking a hard-headed commercial decision.他们正在作出一项清醒冷静的商业决策。Let's go for a walk and blow the cobwebs away.咱们去散散步,清醒一下头脑。




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