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词汇 治好
例句 Nothing could heal the pain of her son's death.没有什么能治好儿子去世带给她的痛苦。None of the medicines I've taken have shifted this cold.我吃的那些药没有一种治好过我的感冒。When the horse suffered a back injury Harvey cured it with his own expert hands.那匹马背部受伤后,哈维用他内行的双手把它治好了。He's trying to sweat out his cold at the gym.他在体育馆锻炼,想出出汗把感冒治好No responsible therapist will claim to cure your insomnia.任何一位负责任的治疗专家都不会声称可以治好你的失眠症。Doctors cured his disease.医生们治好了他的病。The only thing that could cure her illness was a special herb.唯一能治好她疾病的东西是一种特别的草药。Almost overnight I was cured.几乎是一夜间我就被治好了。Atkinson has been told rest is the only cure for his ankle injury.阿特金森被告知休息是唯一能治好他脚踝伤的办法。It is possible to cure tuberculosis.肺结核是能治好的。It is only after two or three years that the doctors can say you are definitely cured of cancer.要到两三年后,医生才能说你的癌症已肯定被治好了。An operation finally cured his shin injury.手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。Many formerly fatal diseases can now be cured.原先的许多绝症现在都可以治好了。Now we can begin to effectuate the cure.现在我们能着手来治好这病了。He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.他需要做手术来治好烦人的背伤。She had some acupuncture treatment which seems to have cured her.她接受了一些针刺疗法,好像把她的病给治好了。See your doctor now to beat summer sneezing.马上去看病,把花粉过敏引起的打喷嚏治好This medicine cured him of his pains.这药治好了他的疼痛。Many cancer victims can be cured if the disease is detected early enough.如果癌症被及早诊断出来,许多患者都是可以治好的。Tumours like these can be treated quite easily if they're caught early enough.这类肿瘤只要及早发现,很容易就能治好His broken leg has not mended properly and will have to be reset.他的断腿没有治好,必须重接。Madame Bernice claimed to be able to heal people simply by laying her hands on their bodies.伯尼斯夫人称,只要将自己的双手放到病人身上就能治好他们的病。That cream got rid of my skin rash.那种药膏治好了我身上的皮疹。Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease.现在医生们确信已经治好了他的病。One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.一剂盘尼西林就能治好这种感染。Doctors believe they have cured him of the disease.医生们相信他们已经治好了他的病。Many types of cancer can now be cured.现在许多癌症都可以治好I've tried everything to get rid of this cold, but it just won't go away.我想尽一切办法想把这次感冒治好,可它就是好不了。He recovered from a ricked neck.他扭伤的脖子治好了。




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