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词汇 母亲们
例句 Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep.母亲们一般让婴儿平躺着睡。Young mothers often feel fenced in at home.年轻的母亲们往往觉得自己被束缚在家里。Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。Young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.年轻的母亲们趁着孩子在她们膝上打盹儿的功夫织布。The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers.部长明显地暗示政府正在考虑对母亲们实行税收减免。The cruel soldiers were rending babies from their mothers' arms.残暴的士兵正从母亲们的怀抱中夺走一个个婴儿。This section explores how mothers resist the impact of poverty on the health of their children.本节探讨母亲们如何避免贫困影响孩子的健康。It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out.是那些年纪较长的女士和年轻的母亲们教训了所有那些捣蛋鬼。The slave traders ravished babies from their mothers' arms.奴隶贩子把婴儿从母亲们的怀里抢走。Mothers try to hold fathers up as role models.母亲们想让父亲们成为孩子的榜样。At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.最起码,政府必须向害怕遭受家庭暴力的母亲们提供某些保护。This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.这是身为职业妇女的母亲们面临的众多难题之一。The mothers were able to share their anxieties with each other.母亲们能够相互分担焦虑。Day nurseries were started as a war-time measure to let mothers work.开办日间托儿所最初是为让母亲们工作而采取的战时措施。Our mothers were cut from the same cloth.我们的母亲们像是从一个模子里做出来的。In one room, young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。Shawls will be brought by injudicious mothers at precisely the most ineligible moments.考虑欠周的母亲们偏偏会在最不合宜的时刻把围巾带来。This plan offers real help to working mothers.这个计划为职场母亲们提供了实质性的帮助。She met other mothers in the same situation as herself.她碰到和她处于同样境况的母亲们Health-conscious mothers are buying more organic baby food.注重健康的母亲们正在更多地购买有机婴儿食品。




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