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词汇 格林
例句 I took a copy of a Graham Greene novel on the train with me.我乘火车时随身携带了一本格雷厄姆・格林的小说。Her marriage to film producer Michael Greenburg fell apart.她和电影制片人迈克尔·格林伯格的婚姻破裂了。The Grinnell girls were doing their best trying to win first in the volleyball tournament but they couldn't quite make the riffle.格林耐尔女队正全力以赴试图在排球邀请赛中争冠军,但她们不大可能获得成功。Green's proposal provoked a firestorm of protests.格林的提议激起一阵抗议风暴。Greene's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction.格林的小说带有现实主义色彩,很容易让人忘记它们是虚构的。Mrs. Green mothered the lost children.格林太太慈母般照料那几个走失的孩子。Mr Gringold droned on, mouthing the usual platitudes about motivation and self-reliance.格林戈尔德先生唠唠叨叨,信口说什么要有积极性、要自立之类的老套话。We're having the Greens down for a few days.我们请格林一家来作客几天。Greene was one of the finest writers of his generation.格林是他那一代人中最杰出的作家之一。Ms Green couldn't be here today, so I'm her stand-in.格林女士今天不能来了,所以我来临时替代她。Dr. Green has a good bedside manner.格林医生对病人态度亲切。Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division.伍德福德格林队赢得了乙级联赛的冠军,成功升甲。The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.召回艾伦·格林大使是美国关注此事的一个公开信号。Green set himself the task of preparing a map of this remote area.格林给自己定下一项任务: 绘制一张这个偏远地区的地图。Green pounded his fist on the counter.格林用拳头敲打柜台。Greene was denounced for betraying his Catholic beliefs and siding with the Communists.格林因背弃自己的天主教信仰转而支持共产主义者而受到谴责。I've just started reading a book by Graham Greene.我刚开始看格雷厄姆·格林写的一本书。Her comments are very hurtful to Mrs Green's family.她的言论使格林夫人一家很受伤。Greene spent a brief time at Cambridge.格林在剑桥短暂生活过一段时间。It is a novel after the fashion of Graham Greene.这是部模仿格雷罕姆‧格林的小说。Dr Green said that, in his opinion, Perry was a dangerous psychopath who might kill again.格林医生说,按他的看法,佩里是个危险的精神变态者,可能会再杀人。Graham Greene had exceptional talents as a story-teller.格雷厄姆·格林有非凡的讲故事才能。Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题? Tell the driver you want to get off at Greene Street.跟司机说你要在格林街下车。His writings on the history of art were published by Greenway and Settle.他有关艺术史的著作是由格林韦与塞特尔出版的。Greenhorn has done a terrific job in translating Korscak's political philosophy primer into a very playable text.格林霍恩十分了不起,把科斯卡的政治哲学初级读本翻译成了非常适合表演的文本。She took her driving test in Greenford.她在格林福特参加了驾照考试。Greenberg was the first of the critics to champion Pollock.格林伯格是第一个拥护波洛克的评论家。I saw her last night wheeling a buggy along Green Lane.昨天晚上我看见她推着婴儿车沿着格林小道走过。Greene was on his feet now, his body trembling with rage.格林这会儿站了起来,气得身体直哆嗦。Glyn's calm demeanour seemed to be slipping.格林冷静的外表似乎要被识破。Men trying to escape from the women who love them is a recurrent theme in Greene's novels.男人试图摆脱深爱自己的女人,这是格林的小说中反复出现的一个主题。Not content with rescuing one theatre, Sally Green has taken on another.萨莉·格林不满足于挽救一家剧院,她又接手了另外一家。Glyn Ford is chairman of the Committee which produced the report.格林·福特是提交这份报告的委员会的主席。Mrs. Green is a thrifty housewife.格林太太是个勤俭持家的主妇。Johnson finished in first place, narrowly ahead of Green.约翰逊得了第一名,只比格林快一点点。The Gardener's Companion was written by David Green.《园艺指南》是大卫‧格林写的。Even Green's rivals say they will miss his instinctive feel for the industry.格林的竞争对手都说,会怀念他对这一行的那种直觉。Mrs Green really came down on him for swearing.格林太太因他骂脏话而狠狠惩罚了他。Her stable of authors included Julian Green, Eudora Welty, and Ken Kesey.她旗下的作家包括朱利安·格林、尤多拉·韦尔蒂和肯·凯西。




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