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例句 A high stone wall marked the boundary of the Roscarrock estate.一堵高高的石墙标明罗斯卡洛克庄园的界线。The plan shows the exact location of the house.示意图标明了房屋的确切位置。A headstone marks her son's grave.一块墓碑标明那是她儿子的墓穴。All the boxes to be shipped were belted in green.所有交运的箱子都用绿带标明Each bag of seeds is labelled with the grower's name.每袋种子上都标明栽培者的姓名。The pigs had metal tags in their ears bearing a number.猪耳朵上系有标明数码的金属小牌。Restaurants are legally obliged to display prices for food and drink.法律规定餐馆必须得标明食物和饮料的价格。It specifically said/stated on the label that the jacket should be dry-cleaned only.标签上明确标明这件夹克衫只能干洗。Consumers can't always make heads or tails out of the way nutrition is labeled on a food package.消费者不是总能搞得清楚食品包装上标明的营养成分。A date stamp inside the front cover of a library book shows when it should be returned.图书馆藏书封面上的日期戳标明了应还书日期。Her hairstyle brands her as old-fashioned.她的发式标明她较老派。The map indicates where the treasure is buried.这个地图标明了财宝的埋藏地。Each exhibit was clearly labelled with a name and number.每一件展品都标明了名称和号码。You notice the little pencilled mark in the corner of the postcards that says when they have to be removed.注意这些明信片角上标明的它们何时要被取下的铅笔字标记。It is listed among the ingredients on the package.它是包装盒标明的成分之一。Eggs must be marked with an expiry date that is ten days from the date of packing.鸡蛋应该标明保质期为自包装之日起十天。Itemise your gear and mark major items with your name and post code.详细登记你的个人物品,在重要物品上标明你的姓名和邮编。Each item was coded for point of origin.每一件物品都标明了来历。Please sign your name in the space marked for endorsement.请在标明签署的地方签名。He marked out his mining claim.标明了他的矿产。Bright yellow police tape set off the area where the crime occurred.醒目的黄色警戒线标明了犯罪现场。The egress is marked on the doors of the building.建筑物的一些门上标明了出口处。Restaurant menus might specify a particular varietal of vegetable or mention the farm where it was grown.餐馆的菜单上可能会标明特定蔬菜的品种或者提及种植这些蔬菜的农场。The staff officers carefully charted the enemy's concentrations on the maps.参谋人员在地图上仔细标明敌军的集结地点。It had the maker's name on a small cloth tab inside.衣服里边有一条标明成衣商姓氏的小布襻。I don't actually mind being sampled as long as people give credit where it's due.只要人们在适当处标明出处,我其实并不在乎自己的音乐被人节录。The barometer recorded a low pressure.气压表标明有一低气压。There is no legal obligation to state it on the label.在法律上并没有义务要将其在标签上标明Make sure the bill you receive is itemized and shows the individual price of each job that has been done.要看清楚你收到的账单是逐项开列的,每一项工作都分别标明收费。A memorial plaque will mark the spot where he died.纪念牌将标明他的死亡地点。Buildings are designated by red squares on the map.在地图上建筑物是用红色方块来标明的。The arrow pointed left towards the exit door.箭头向左标明出口处的门。A 'use by' date must be stamped on all perishable goods.易腐产品都应标明保质期。Free items are designated by blue stickers.免费项目用蓝色标签标明His suitcase is tagged with his name and address.他的箱子上用标签标明他的姓名和地址。Mike drew a line along the wall to show where the tiles would come up to.迈克沿着墙边画了一条线,标明墙砖铺到哪里。A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸发生的地点。All equipment to be sold was belted in green.所有准备出售的设备都用绿带标明




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