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例句 Noel and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.我和诺埃尔什么事情都一起做,他让我参与所有的事In the airline industry all accidents are reported.在航空业,所有的事故都要报告。It is physically impossible for me to get everything done and still go to sleep on time.我根本不可能既完成所有的事又按时睡觉。I can't just drop everything to help you. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.我不能放下所有的事去帮你,你知道,这世界不是围着你转的。I felt I was being shut out from all the family's affairs.我感觉家里所有的事我都插不上手。Everything concurred to make the day a great success.所有的事凑在一起使那天非常成功。What if I lend you the money? Wouldn't that make everything a lot simpler?我借钱给你怎么样?这样所有的事情不就简单多了吗?It seemed, by nightfall, as if everything was coming together.似乎所有的事都会在夜幕降临前一起到来。I'm trying to fit everything into my busy schedule.我正试图把所有的事情安插进紧张的日程。It all points to the conclusion that nobody knew what was going on.所有的事实都指向这个结论:没有人知道发生了什么事。We don't have all the facts yet.我们还未得知所有的事实。Henderson has his finger in all kinds of pies these days.亨德森最近对所有的事情都感兴趣。He couldn't go through the agony of lying to them again, so he blurted everything out.他再也经受不住向他们撒谎的痛苦,所以就把所有的事情都和盘托出。He stops everything to make another pass at that Russian woman.他停下手头所有的事情,又去向那个俄国女人献殷勤了。Now everything stands by for the discussion of Home Rule.为了讨论地方自治问题现在所有的事情都搁在一边了。Barnes is a conscientious and methodical journalist who would have checked all of the facts before writing the story.巴恩斯是个认真尽责、做事有条理的记者。他写报道之前,会把所有的事实都核对一遍。Try to keep an open mind until you've heard all the facts.在听完所有的事实前先不要存任何看法。All accidents must be reported at once to the aviation authority.所有的事故必须立即向航空当局报告。We can't be expected to just drop everything and leave at a moment's notice.不可要求我们能在接到通知后放下所有的事情立即离开。When I know all the facts, I'll be in a position to advise you.在我了解所有的事实之后,我就可以给你出主意了。The judge weighed all the facts carefully before reaching a verdict.法官在作出判决之前,认真地权衡了所有的事实。You have left everything to the last minute. That's just like you.你把所有的事都拖到最后一分钟才去做,你就是这个样子。The police tried to piece together all the facts.警方试图把所有的事实拼凑起来。




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