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We're using the shed as a temporary store for all our stuff.我们正用这个棚子作临时仓库储存所有物资。The items were carefully wrapped to protect them from damage during shipping.为避免在运输中被损坏,所有物品都经过了仔细包装。A storm was coming, so the captain ordered us to tie everything down.暴风雨即将来袭,船长命令我们系紧所有物品。Measure up any items that you want to keep in the kitchen.把要放在厨房里的所有物件都量一量尺寸。He made an inventory of everything that was in the house.他给房子里的所有物品列了个清单。Please state on the form the approximate value of all your household goods.请在表格上写明你家中所有物品大概的价值。I got all my Christmas shopping done in one fell swoop.我一次就把圣诞节需要的所有物品都买齐了。The locket was my proudest possession.这小金盒是我最珍贵的所有物。Make a list of all the things you need.把你需要的所有物品列一个清单。All objects are vetted by a distinguished panel of experts.所有物品都交由一个著名的专家小组检查鉴定。She made a list of all the things she would need on her trip.她把旅行要用的所有物品列了一张清单。All species will breed inter se.所有物种都在其种内进行繁殖。 |