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例句 Landowners are compelled to give prior notification of intended land-use changes.土地所有者若计划变更土地用途,必须事先发出通知。Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.某些土地所有者目无法纪。他们横行霸道,鱼肉乡民。He hoped to reach an accommodation with the new owners.他希望与新的所有者们达成协议。The car must be returned to its rightful owner.这辆车必须归还其合法所有者Directors weren't allowed any proprietary airs about the product they made.主管们不允许对他们生产的产品以所有者自居。The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft.这些土地所有者不得不卖掉自己的私人飞机。The new law should provide tax relief for homeowners.新法律应为房屋所有者提供税款减免条款。We're unable to ascertain who the owners are.我们无法确定所有者是谁。I reported my find to the landowner.我向土地所有者报告了我的发现。Isn't the Government always in the pocket of the landowners?难道政府不是总被土地所有者们使唤吗?As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.身为土地所有者,他对农业方面的改良非常感兴趣。When the lease ends, the property reverts to the freeholder.租期结束后,该房产会归还给其终身所有者The new owners are trying to restore the company/building to its former glory.新的所有者们正努力使这家公司/这栋大楼重现昔日的辉煌。In the end, the other owners forced her to sell out.最后,其他所有者逼迫她出售她的全部份额。You need to get permission from the owner.你得取得所有者的许可。The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft.土地所有者不得不卖掉了他们的私人飞机。Most of the agricultural land has been restored to its original owners.大多数的农业用地都已经归还给原土地所有者Homeowners in the eurozone enjoy cheaper mortgages than we do here in Britain.欧元区内的房屋所有者享有比我们英国更低的抵押贷款利率。The owner of the company is nothing but a bully who tyrannizes his employees. 这家公司的所有者不过是一个欺压员工的恶霸。Some landowners refuse permission to use footpaths on their land.一些土地所有者不允许别人穿过他们土地上的小路。Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.他们在该地区的行动是精心谋划的,意在恐吓土地所有者放弃手中的地产。If you can't get any satisfaction, complain to the park owner.如果你得不到任何赔偿,向园区所有者投诉。




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