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词汇 comma
例句 You need to insert a comma between these two words.这两个词之间需要添加逗号。It's easy to miss out a comma when you're writing quickly.写得快时很容易就会漏掉一个逗号。He criticized her use of a comma before a parenthesis.他批评她不该在圆括号前使用逗号。You left out a comma here.你这里漏标了一个逗号。His favourite form of punctuation, the comma and full stop apart, was the dash.他最喜欢用的标点符号,除去逗点和句点,就是破折号。The sentence contained a misplaced comma.句子里有一个放错地方的逗号。There should be a space after the comma.逗号后应该有个空格。The editor is persnickety about comma usage.编辑对逗号的用法很挑剔。The comma falls inside the quotation mark.逗号放在引号内。When you join two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction, you must also punctuate with a comma.用并列连词连接两个从句时,也必须加逗号。You've put the comma in the wrong place.你把逗号标错位置了。




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