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词汇 朋友
例句 Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried.朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder.丹尼尔斯把胳膊搭在了他朋友的肩上。That kind of behaviour won't win you any friends.那样的行为不会让你交上任何朋友His relationship with Angie combined lust with friendship.他和安吉是炮友加朋友的关系。Her strange behavior has mystified her friends and family.她奇怪的行为让朋友和家人很不解。One day when the chips are down, you will know who your true friends are.等到危急关头你就会知道谁是真正的朋友了。My father became increasingly sentimental as he got older and his friends died off.随着年纪渐老、朋友死去,我父亲变得越来越感伤了。He clapped his friend on the back and congratulated him.他拍拍朋友的肩背,向他祝贺。I thought she was my friend, but, hey, it's not the first time I've been wrong.我原以为她是我的朋友,但是,嘿,这可不是我第一次搞错了。I had a bite with my friend at a food stall.我和朋友在食品摊上随便吃了一些东西。His friends are just a bunch of deadbeats.他的朋友就是一群游手好闲的人。On the aeroplane I was befriended by a delightful German woman.在飞机上,一位讨人喜欢的德国女士对我就像朋友一样。Some friends stopped/came by for a chat. 几个朋友到家里来聊天。It was a quiet wedding, with just a few friends and relations.那是一个平静的婚礼,只有几位朋友和亲戚在场。I didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friends.我并不想在她朋友面前让她感到难堪。I'll ring round some of my friends and see if they can help.我给一些朋友打打电话,看他们能不能帮忙。The bicycle is a loan from a friend.这辆自行车是向朋友借来的。I sauntered into the garden, where some friends were chatting near the barbecue.我溜达着走进花园,那里有一些朋友正在烤架旁聊天。We number him in our friends.我们把他算作朋友I don't like his choice of friends.我不喜欢他交的那些朋友You don't know any of my friends.我的朋友你一个都不认识。I don't lend my friends money as a matter of policy.我的原则是不借钱给朋友A cascade of mail arrived from friends.朋友寄来的邮件如雪片一般。He was eavesdropping on his sister and her friends in the next room.他当时正在偷听姐姐和她朋友在隔壁房间的谈话。None of her friends live in London.她的朋友都不住在伦敦。The children soon made friends with the kids next door.孩子们很快就和隔壁邻居的孩子交上朋友了。You couldn't wish for a better friend.你没有比他/她更好的朋友了。I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.我也许会为朋友的生日买一个用来搞笑。He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him.他有很多朋友能保全他,帮他打掩护。I'm calling from a friend's cellphone.我在用一个朋友的手机打电话。I scrounged a few bucks off my friend for lunch.我从朋友那里拿了几块钱去吃午饭。I met him on a Thursday, and by the following Tuesday we were great friends.我周四和他相识,到接下来的周二时已经成了非常要好的朋友Their influence extends well beyond their immediate circle of friends.他们的影响远远超出了朋友的小圈子。Nobody knew outside of a few close friends.除了几个亲近的朋友以外,其他人都不知道。She and Picasso had always been friends, but now they shared a secret that united them even more.她和毕加索向来是朋友,不过现在一个共同的秘密使两人的联系更为紧密了。It is a common dilemma: Should you stay where you have friends and family, or take that good job in a far-away city?这是一个常见的两难局面:与朋友和家人在一起,还是接受远方城市的好差事?My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.我最好的朋友告诉我,要是为此事烦心我就真够傻的。Most of her friends can't bear her husband.她的大多数朋友都受不了她的丈夫。If he can go out with his friends at night, then she should be able to, too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.如果他可以晚上跟朋友出去玩,那么她应该也可以。要一视同仁。Next to John, Jamie is my best friend.除了约翰,杰米是我最好的朋友




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