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词汇 lose weight
例句 I'm trying to lose weight, but ice cream is my Achilles' heel.我在拼命减肥,可爱吃冰激凌是我的致命弱点。It was a bit insensitive of Fiona to talk about fat people when she knows Mandy is desperate to lose weight.菲奥娜知道曼迪急于减肥却继续大谈胖子的话题,真有点不顾他人感受。The same principle applies when you are trying to lose weight.同样的原理也适用于你减肥。She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight.她告诉她上班的朋友们她正在努力减肥。She starved herself in an attempt to lose weight.她用节食的办法试图减肥。I'd like to lose weight from my hips and thighs.我希望我的臀部和大腿能瘦一些。Most people who try to lose weight fail dismally.大多数想减肥的人都无比沮丧地失败了My doctor said it was advisable for me to lose weight.我的医生说我最好减点体重。If you want to lose weight, I can give you a list of do's and don'ts.如果你想减肥,我可以替你开一张减肥须知单。I've been told to lose weight and stop smoking.我被告知要减肥并戒烟。Some people can diet like crazy and not lose weight.有些人拼命节食也不能减肥。The doctor recommended a diet and a programme of exercises to help her lose weight.医生推荐了一个饮食计划和一个运动计划,帮助她减肥。He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证。If you eat smaller portions, you will begin to lose weight.如果你吃小份的,你就会开始瘦下来。No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this program.不论年龄多大,都可以按这套方案来减肥。If you want to lose weight, try exercising more.要想减肥,试着多锻炼。Don't be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.不要相信那些声称能让你在一周内就减肥的产品。A lot of people who lose weight gain it back over time, and end up back where they started.许多减了肥的人过一段时间又恢复了体重,结果是白费力气。I think anyone can lose weight if they set their mind to it.我认为只要下定决心任何人都能减肥。She has cut out fat altogether in an effort to lose weight.她为了减肥,一点儿油脂也不吃。You can only lose weight by expending more calories than you take in.只有当消耗的卡路里比摄取的多时,你才能减肥。If you follow this diet, you're bound to lose weight.按照这个规定食谱必定能够减轻体重。If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't eat between meals.如果你想减肥,就不要在两餐之间吃东西。He made a resolution to lose weight. 他下定决心减肥。I'm stinting myself in food in order to lose weight.我正在节食以便减肥。You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.你不必通过饿肚子来减肥。The only way to lose weight permanently is to completely change your attitudes toward food.永久性减肥的唯一办法就是彻底改变对食物的态度。She is dieting to lose weight.她在节食以减肥。She told me bluntly that I should lose weight.她直言不讳地告诉我我应该减肥。Many of us have tried to lose weight and failed miserably.我们中很多人都努力要减肥,无奈均以惨败告终。He made only spasmodic attempts to lose weight.他减肥只是三天打鱼两天晒网。She's starving herself trying to lose weight.她用节食疗法试图减肥。Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。I've been trying to lose weight for over a year now.我减肥已经有一年多了。I've tried lots of different ways to lose weight.我已经试过很多种方法来减肥了。She had no appetite and began to lose weight.她食欲不振,体重开始下降。To lose weight, you must eat sensibly.为了减轻体重,你的饮食必须合理。The light-hearted way in which the author has approached this book should take some of the hard work out of trying to lose weight.作者写这本书的风趣笔调可使读者减轻一些减肥的辛苦。If you're trying to lose weight, you should give yourself a goal/target to aim for.如果你想要减肥,你必须给自己设定一个目标。Changing your eating habits is the best way to lose weight.改变饮食习惯是减肥的最佳方法。




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